
Healing for the Relationship with "Your Family"

namaste123 2009. 4. 10. 11:49

Empowerment Healing Meditation:
for the Relationship with Members of 'Your Family'

A Special Gift for You and Your Family

We invite you to experience the blessings of Sundarah in your own home and receive a deep healing session for the transformation of relationships in your family.

The MP3 audio download at the bottom of this page is a recording of one of the healing sessions from Sundarah 2008 – Love and Successful Relationships. You can sit or lie down to receive this session which will clear any old energetic patterns and disharmonious feelings between members of your family with the assistance of many Angels, Archangels and Enlightened Masters through Qala Sri’ama.

Often in families, we can find ourselves embodying energies that have become a pattern and do not reflect who we are or want to be in the rest of our lives. Many families also have deep issues that have not yet been fully healed which stop the flow of love that is possible for all families to experience through forgiveness, compassion and love.

Your participation in this session will facilitate a deep cleansing of your chakras and allow a new relationship to form in your family. You will be gifting all the people in your family and genetic line with freedom and the ability to experience greater love and connection.

Thank you for being 'the light' in your family and may it brings unlimited love in all areas of your life.

With love,
Qala Sri'ama


Click Here to DOWNLOAD the MP3 file (36meg)


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