"The Life and Teaching of the Masters
of the Far East"
by Braid T. Spalding (1857-1953)
"The grace of God is divine love that is blessing me every day of the year."
"The forces of life are silent and that is the main reason for the silent nature of the masters. That is the way they keep in harmony
with life itself. Even the Scriptures teach in substance that a multitude of words is not without sin. only when we speak in harmony
with what we inwardly feel do we let ourselves out into complete harmony with the true determination of life."
"The mind is completely unified and harmonized by denial and rejection of every thought that does not spring from one's innermost
nature. This clears up the entire stream of consciousness that leaves the individual free to think and act as he should in perfect harmony
with the Universal Mind. This is the very essence of mastery."
"Speaking and living in this oneness without a sense of division is the greatest gift to man for he was given 'a sound mind', according
to the scriptures. In other words, he started out being in perfect oneness with his source: he was sound, whole, and Jesus said we must
return to this state of sound-minded-ness. 'Tarry at Jerusalem until the Holy--whole-- Spirit comes upon you', or until you return to
the sense of oneness with the Universal Mind."
"This life of oneness is the life of the masters and anyone may live that life if he will drop his alliances
with institutions and religions and races and nations and accept his alliance with the Universe."
"When we stand one with the sum of all intelligence, and recognise ourselves as an actual part of that intelligence, and know
conclusively that this is the great principle, God, we shall soon find ourselves conscious of the fact that all intelligence throughout
the whole cosmic universe is working with us. We also realise quickly that the intelligence of all great genius, as well as the little
mentality of the single cell of the body, is working with us in perfect harmony and accord. This is the one Great Intelligent
Cosmic Mind that we are positively allied with. Indeed we are that very mind; we are the self-consciousness of the universe.
The instant we feel this very thing nothing can keep us from our Godhead."
"From this universal consciousness we can draw all knowledge; we know that we can know all, without studying and without process
of reasoning, not going from lesson to another, nor from one point to another. The lessons are necessary only in order to bring us to
the attitude in which we can step forth into this thought. Then we become comprehensive and include all thought. There is a complete stream of motivating thought that is irresistible and we know that nothing can divert us from true accomplishment ... The drop of water
is only weak when it is removed from the ocean, replace it and it is as powerful as the whole ocean. It matters not whether we like or
whether we believe it. It is intelligent law and we are that very thing."
"The sum of all truth is the Great Principle God. Everything from eternity to eternity, whether we think it’s a great truth or a little truth, every true word, thought, or spoken is part of the Great Truth, One Great All, one Universal Truth and we are that very thing. When we realise this oneness and stand absolutely with truth, we have the whole of truth back of us and our irresistibility is increased. It is
the force of the ocean back of the wave that gives the wave its power; that, too, is but a portion of God-force which man also is."
"The sum of all love is the Great Principle, God. It is the sum of every affection, every fervent emotion, every loving thought, look,
word or deed. Every attracted love, great or small, sublime or low, makes the one infinite love stand forth and nothing is too great
for us. As we love unselfishly, we have the complete ocean of cosmic love with us. That which is thought least is greatest as it sweeps
onto absolute perfection; thus the whole universe of love is consciously with us. There is no greater power in Earth or in heaven.
Earth becomes heaven; heaven is humanity’s true home."
"Finally the sum of every condition, every form, every being is the one infinite cosmic principle, God. Whether it be individuals,
worlds, planets, stars, atoms, electrons, or the most minute particles. All together make the infinite whole, the body of which is the
universe, the mind, cosmic intelligence; the soul, cosmic love. Woven together as a whole their bodies, minds and souls are held
together with the cohesive force of love; yet each one functions in eternal individual identity, moving freely in its individual orbit
and octave of harmony, attracted, drawn and held together by the love of that universe of harmony.
We constitute that Great Being that nothing can thwart. It is made up of every unit of humanity as well as every unit of the universe.
If a portion of one unit excludes itself from the whole, it makes no difference to Principle Being but it makes a vast difference to
the unit. The ocean is not conscious of the removal of the drop of water but the drop is very conscious of the ocea when it is
returned or reunited with it."
"It is not enough for us to say that we are close to the Great Cosmic Principle, God. We must know definitely that we are one with,
in, and of, and amalgamated entirely with, Principle; and that we cannot be separate or apart from God, Principle. Thus we work
with the principle of power which is all power. It is the law that in principle we live, move and have our being. Thus when we wish
to come into contact with God, we do not think of something away from us and difficult to attain. All we need know is that God is
within as well as all about and that we are completely included in God; that we are consciously within the presence of God and
are present in God and in command with full power. Thus we need not pause, we need not ponder; we take the path directly to
God within. Here the Christ stands steadfast and supreme and with God we endure forever."
"Thus we arouse our dead cells into the realisation of the life within and that life resurrects us from the dead; we return to life
immortal, unchanging. We are convinced of life and our right to live that life fully and perfectly. The Christ within stands forth
and says, ‘I come that you may have complete life and live that more abundantly’. This must be a true resurrection in our
consciousness- an uplifting of our dead senses into a higher vibration of life, truth and love. As all nature is awakening about us,
let us arouse ourselves ... up and out of all sense of limitation in which we have bound our bodies. We roll the stone of materialit
completely from our consciousness, that heavy weight of thought that has separated the life within from the life without; and
which has held the life form in death and denied it life because we have not recognised its right to life. Let us get up and out of
death - this is what the resurrection means. It is an awakening to the full realisation of life here and now - and that life omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient; nowhere absent, nowhere powerless, nowhere unconscious but everywhere present, everywhere powerful, everywhere conscious, in wellness, in freedom, in gloriously radiant expressive, expanding action..."
“As we awaken to our rightful heritage, we shall awaken to the beauty and purity of the age-old message that our bodies are eternally beautiful, pure and perfect. They are always beautiful, pure, spiritual bodies, most magnificent and divine, the true temples of God.
This awakening also convinces us that our bodies have never descended from that high estate. We see that it was only a human
concept wherein we thought they had descended. As soon as this thought is released, our body is released to its true inheritance of
divinity... soon pure rays of white light appear within our bodies; they become aglow with this light”.
"They emanate with this light and they become transfigured as we become immersed in divine life. The son of man becomes the Christ
of God. Jesus goes on to say that, “it is a body so luminous that no germ of old age or decay can find lodgement therein. It is a body
so alive that it cannot die... such a body stands forth as divine master of every situation.
The new age message of enlightenment is the old age message of resurrection told throughout the ages that “the son of man is to
realise his divinity, reveal this divinity in his body and affairs and become the Christed God in the kingdom of God ‘know ye not
that ye are Gods?"
"God knows that in the great structure of the universe there is a splendid place for every human being and each has his individual
place... you are an especially designed creation, you have a particular mission, you have a light to give, a work to do that no other
can give or accomplish; and if you will open your heart, mind and soul wide to spirit, you will learn of it in your own heart. There you
will find that your very own father speaks to you ... you need not the teaching of any man... you may accept others as brother helpers
but you are always instructed and led from within; the truth is there for you and you will find it..."
"The Truth is ‘all is one’; one Spirit, one Body, the Great Lord Body of all humanity.
The Great Love Light life of God completely amalgamates that body into one Complete Whole”.
- From: The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East
Volume's: I, II, III and IV may be viewed at:
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