New Earth: Speaks with Wistancia Stone
Pathways Speaks with Wistancia Stone Author of Invocations to the Light and Empowerment and Integration Through the Goddess.... (Listen In as Wistancia shares some wonderful information on the new Earth energies.) Therefore, things are occurring as a result of these higher vibrations coming in that are causing an ascending body to go through transformations that's real. So it's kind of like a caterpillar in a cocoon, not sleeping, but actually experiencing every single bit of the transformation in order to fly out at a different level. And what I was saying to someone recently was that the molecules in an ascending body actually start to spin faster and faster because a higher frequency is a faster one and then what happens is the body starts to heat up and in the process of that, a lot of things happen like the mental body starts to restructure itself, brain chemistry starts to change and new frequencies come into the brain and the brain and the mental body stop acting the way they used to. And a lot of lightworkers are going around saying they have Alzheimer’s disease, they're forgetting things, forgetting what they are saying in the middle of talking. What's happening is these threads are widening and starting to meet each other. They are starting to become, actually the way I like to look at it is Mother Earth has a new dress that is being made. All these threads are being added together and it's widening the threads. Then those wide threads are starting to touch each other and pretty soon she has a whole new garment. The whole dress, like a complete wide swath of material and it is when all those grids meet that she actually gets to shift into what I call the New Earth. Like one unit of energy. The same with the sun, the scientists are beginning to write about how the frequency is changing and how it is changing our DNA and they are writing up reports about how the planets in the solar system are becoming more luminous. It just makes me feel so good because I noticed the sun changing its color around May of last year and a lot of people were saying, "Oh come on...that's crazy." But change is happening everywhere. I call that the New Energy because it is really happening to the point, where at some point in our future, in a couple of short years, the entire periodic table is going to fall apart. ?In other words, the elements are changing also. In the process of doing that, karma has to end on this Earth because it is kind of like children playing with toys. They want to go outside or a different room to play but they have to clean up their room, their act sort of and another reason for that is, and I don't mean to say this in a scary way, but when the shift is fully complete and everyone finds themselves on the soil of the New Earth. This planet, this 3D planet, one day will most likely dematerialize because that is what energy does and it will materialize in a different form somewhere else and in order to do that you can't have residue of negative energy. You will leave it in the atmosphere. If someone dematerializes and they sort of leave a little part of their essence there and it is not by Divine law even appropriate for a planet to leave war energy, negative energy all this strange control energy that we have on the planet. So it's all playing out now and for all that time to come, so karma is ending for everyone because karma is third dimensional. But you know what is changing is something kind of fun happened this morning when I was out with my dog. Something happened where she has a habit of running after balls. Okay so she has all these balls. And the balls went down this ravine and she was caught down there. She is a golden retriever and she wasn't going to give them up for anything. I looked down and I was up at the top trying to get her to just come up to me because every time she picked up the balls she dropped another one so as she got half way up and she had to go back to get the dropped one. I was standing there watching this thinking, "Oh my God", she has a pattern and in order to get her up here, I thought this is going to go on all day long or all night, she has to break this habit. You could almost see it in the air and her eyes, I can’t leave these balls here and I have to get them...and she wasn't coming up to me and to safety. And so I did something with her and started working with her energetically and I was telling her and speaking to her about how hard it is to let go of habits and thought patterns or beliefs you have that you continue to be this kind of a dog or person or what have you. I have something that I do with wings because I have use of my wings from other dimension as an angel, so I wrapped the wings around her and I started speaking to her that it was ok to let it go and she could actually be free of stepping out of the pattern to go and retrieve, even though it is so engrained in her, it is karmic. Totally deep in her memory, thoughts and mental body and in one moment she gave it up. She watched the balls roll down the bank and looked at me and allowed herself to come up without them, up this steep wall or mountain almost. I'm telling you I saw the process and I had this feeling; my God even dogs are letting go. Everyone is breaking their habits. ?It's perfect for me to see it that way. Like we are a group consciousness and not everyone has the same kind of bodies and maybe not the same numbers but most people on the Earth that think of themselves as lightworkers feel like they've come here with a purpose and generally they will have an extraterrestrial body of an angelic body in another realm, maybe even another one or both and that is like this composite picture of who and where you are. We are coming to a point where we are starting to meet our dimensionals and yet when I speak about this it sounds like someone with a multiple personality so they find out about their multiples, but that is actually the way it is. It is actually full of love and saner than thinking we are separate identities here living on a planet, where you know that this is the only planet that has life on it. That is completely crazy in a way. We are actually so much grater than we thought we were and I'm kind of thinking one of the greatest ingredients of peace is when a person actually comes to the desire to know or begins to know, who they are, what they are and their purpose in this very broad way. I think I've been looking for this my whole incarnation and it's actually happening and it’s bringing me an ecstasy, a peace that I can’t even put my finger on it... it is like I actually wanted to know who I really was not just what I was doing here, but the fullness of it and if that can start to happen to me in real ways to know my real parts, then I know that it is coming or is very close for everybody. And I'm sure there are people who are way beyond me in knowing this, but it is happening and our guides are really stepping close to sort of bring us all up to speed with all of this and a lot of it does have to do with what you just said about the frequency of the Earth rising. In some places it is 38 in like the North Pole and in other palaces it’s like in the 20's and apparently if you didn't even know what the numbers mean, and I don't so if you just look at 40 as where we want to go - it is real close at certain places on the globe and not as close at others. I can remember seven years ago it was 8.7 because I had a Rife Machine and I measured it because I used to meditate with Mother Earth at 8.7. And now in some parts of our world it is like 32 or 28. And it’s really rising, in fact it is going out of control if you think about it. [not out of control in a bad way, just a way of talking here.] It’s really changing people too. I think I said to you at one time that something I'd like to talk about even for a little while is the importance of our new chakras because they are our energy centers. The energy is changing everywhere that is how we are changing and that is one sort of nitty gritty way that people are changing with these energy centers and that is why it is so important to talk about chakras because almost everyone knows there are energy centers and they think of the seven or maybe 14, there are a lot of models of reality out there. But the chakras are definitely changing. [They], guess what, [make] a link to the solar frequencies rising. The land and the earth frequencies are actually rising and I didn't realize it was going to happen this way but it is kind of like the frequency of the ground that we are walking on is going up and we know this from the core. What is happening is the chakras in our bodies are attracted to that frequency in the Earth rising so sharply, so our chakras are moving down our bodies to meet with the Earth’s [new higher frequencies.]. They are moving down toward the Earth because Like Attracts Like, it's a Universal law. It just blew my mind when I started to see this. So the chakras are moving down though the body to meet the new frequencies of the Earth which are rising. And I said this on a television show last week and I was really amazed that it was all coming together in my understanding and the person said, Well what does that mean? Does that leave us blank at the top? ?(Laughter) I said, No, No that is where the new chakras and the higher chakras are coming in. So everything is moving down and the new ones are coming in and they are coming in, in a different way. Like the solar plexus for instance, the crown, third eye and heart chakra are ending up landing where the [old] solar plexus was. The crown is coming into the solar plexus and it is radiating out kind of a strong spirituality because the solar plexus has its frequency of strength and now it has the spiritual of the crown coming in. Then the old third eye comes in and you suddenly have the ability to see and people are waking up and seeing and having power in seeing. Then the throat comes in and all of a sudden people are feeling such a need to express themselves. (Laughter) There is such a power or need to get that poem out or get that website up and it is like I see, the old throat chakra is interfacing with the solar plexus and there is a will behind it now and the new ones are really huge because what they look like is totally different. They are a lot bigger and clusters and the crown is a few, not just one [center]. It is like a couple of different ones and the third eye chakra is a pulsating kind of energy and the thymus and throat chakra have two parts and what they show me was the new heart chakra is huge - like a cluster and there is one part that stands in front and so that is what you see when light being come into the room and you don't see the whole form you just see the color standing forward. It's there heart and we are kind of going to be that way but we are not complete that way. They are coming in as frequencies, colors and as little substances but I wouldn't say that anyone has them all the way in yet, but it is happening real fast. I think it is so exciting. There is a little pain with them too, like ankles, knees, hands, like the palms of the hands, the wrist are getting prominent chakras in them and some people are having strange experiences and feeling putting their foot down and it’s strange but it is because it is changing. You know, I get a little pain in the wrist and ankles and in my palms in my hands like little needles and it comes and goes and there is nothing we can do. Even a darker force has love in it. Love is just the substance that is in everything and so to move it forward that is not with a power that is controlling but loving, that is Divine. It's really important and actually I think that a lot of our population understands how thoughts can create. You know, like the stickiness of thoughts, if you keep thinking something negative then it will probably happen. Like if you sitting on a bus and someone gets on that you don't want to sit next to you, maybe they frighten you or something and you keep thinking - please don't sit here, please don't sit here then they will probably sit there because thought can create energy and they attract. Feeling create also create and I think that is what people are beginning to call the Goddess energies and what I am going out a lot with because we all know thoughts create your reality but feeling do also and I think there are a lot of people talking about how to pray peace and how to feel that the answer you want to manifest you have to be inside the feeling so you already feel what it is like to have it so you can manifest it and that is feelings not thoughts. I think the greatest compliment I got yesterday was when they were reading something that I had written that they felt what it was and then they said they got it. I thought "Wow!" I didn't say wow, look at me; it was more like Wow, that's it - feelings. That is where we want to go. Feelings create, feelings have so much power and they've been totally misunderstood and we've been told for a long time that we're too emotional and to not be feeling so deeply, nom not true. (shared laughter). The lay lines started widening as we said and grids becoming one unit and all this starts to build till one full energetic unit surrounds the Earth and then the Earth is then like secure and in this positive energy and she can sort of move out all the way. So She going up in frequency and the ground vibration are moving and this is already happening and altering us and the chakras are changing us and the Earth grids start to clean up what is left as karma. Even though it looks confusing on the Earth, it is because karma has to play out. It is a finishing sort of energy and it will play out. And the other things are extremely precise. Like they were talking about observatories on Earth that would see I think it was three formations coming in the sky and they've called them all kinds of things and they still keep coming. They were seen in Australia I believe and they thought they looked like two light balls close together and they've been watching these and what has been happening is that they are light beings sending out three enormous crafts of light beings that are huge. So they are already calling them more than super novas, because they are moving like ships and they are not acting like super novas so they are calling them all kinds of things and they are starting to watch them a little bit more. Then there are portals that Archangels have opened and others have opened. ?Guides will start to come closer and this is already happening, people are waking up and they know things and they don't know how they knew. Their guides are starting to kind of prepare them, like we're talking about the general public and all the fear. And those are the ones who's guides are going to really step close. I have information that is really detailed; small crafts will come to small cities and land and deal with news reporters and not TV and that the ET's that have been living on the Earth, in hiding and waiting, will be the first ones to enter the crafts and then there will be like hours when they will disappear, like taking them for a ride and they will return and they will start opening up for some people from the government to go on flights and portals to different countries will open up and there will be invitations for people to participate in this. Then more shift energies and then karma breaking down more and people will start to see they are not alone. Also there is a lot of things that are going to happen with money and it will change but that is like a whole other story and there could be a lot of chaos that goes on. Also people will start to become more spiritual who never were before and lightworkers and others will understand more, but this starts to happen with those that haven't been involved so much and frequencies shift even more and I guess they talk about a certain chaos that happens before you go up a whole new level and the guides come even stronger. And by that time there are like 80,000 contact people and then there starts to be TV stations and all kinds of contact so that it ends up with a number, and this number didn't just come from channeling it came from beings up there that released this. They were talking about 15 million people having contacts world wide and going out and talking about them and two million going out to TV, so that humanity as a whole, kind of gets a feeling and understanding that there is love from the Universe. That it is ok and they are safe and their guides are helping in this. Then stuff goes into the United Nations and Extraterrestrials groups actually sitting down. The United Nations and other worlds start coming together with extraterrestrial groups. Then they see a time when three different things happen. There is more of a feeling of world peace that starts to come in because the people change and they begin to realize they are not alone. And all these Light side of extraterrestrials that are with them start opening them up spiritually [they come first]. Tshen the masters start coming. I think it was really sweet what they said, that there was something like 200,000 masters that would come down together, sort of, in one unit and the reason they wouldn't come separately would be that no more could there be any group that says, “My guy is the right one” or came first. They would come as a unit showing everyone was equal and I thought that was great. Then people start understanding God even more, apparently there is a new leader in the universe and she is female and she will probably present herself as well. Then the periodic table will be collapsing and the changes in frequencies happening all at the same time so people don't totally notice it because it is happening in everything and you feel like you’re having a dream and you kind of shift out to find yourself in this other reality. Almost like it feels the same but it feels different, kind of like that - it’s how they described it but not totally do I understand it not having gone though it. That all this long thirst to really know who we are and why we are here is really happening and no one ever meant to keep us away from that and that knowledge is really coming and it is going to come more, more and more. So what we need to do is stop worrying so much and maybe have plans but be willing to let go of them, so maybe if we don't have agendas but plans and goals but things are going so fast that maybe we would be prepared that if things happen too fast and our projects won’t happen, so we can just bless them and take our queues from the heart because this is an exciting time. And pain is going to go away and all these things as we go up in frequency and balance. They are going to take care of themselves and they are going as well as I think they even can considering what all is here. I actually saw the New Earth in an ethereal connection, I wasn't there physically, and I saw it and it gave me great peace and so maybe people can meditate on seeing it as a real possibility and if there really is an already New Earth and they'll know that as far as Ascension - nothing is going to stop it and there's not going to be a nuclear war. No one is going to let those kinds of thing happen and that this plan will work out because when I saw it, it gave me a lot of peace. I saw that people from 911 were there. There are already beings there and they are getting it ready for us and it wasn't a fantasy visualize what it would be like. I was with someone that had the capacity to assist a bunch of people to go with their soul to look at it. It wasn't really a meditation it was like going with my soul and it was larger than the earth and I think that was really good for my mind because I finally got it. I saw that it was larger than the Earth that it was not really this Earth it was in a higher, different dimension. Like in this moment I feel like there is something familiar in talking to you this minute, even this minute, something really familiar. It’s like we, almost like this has already happened. It is like this momentous thing has already happened. It's that real to me. But maybe it feels that real to me because I work with an energy called White Time. So experience and knowledge definitely turns me on because higher knowledge brings a higher vibration and so it all sort of goes together. When your around knowledge, knowledge is a vibration, everything is a vibration and the higher knowledge is a higher vibration and it raises your frequency so you can feel more of that joy, more of that love and it all goes into that one thing. To be in a simple moment with a blade of grass, holding hands with a blade of grass. You know, when you actually know the blade has a hand and life in it and your holding it and your not greater than or lesser than but just with it and I know you know this. That is like my daughter, Dakota said something along those lines, we went to see Stitch the new Lilo and Stitch move and of course she took home with her, "Ohana, means family and family means no one gets left behind." Remember the heart and the heart will remember you! And all that you deep down know will happen will indeed happen before your shining eyes. ?We love you and thank you all for your contributions, more than you know, for all is connected. Connected to your heart. I am Archangel Michael.
Hello everyone. I'm Leslie Palacio and I'm speaking to you from Pathway's Within. I'd like to welcome everyone joining us for our third edition. To change things up a little bit, we're going to be asking some questions and sharing a conversation with a very special guest that is joining us this evening. She is going to share with us some wonderful information regarding the New Earth energies. ?I'm pleased to introduce Wistancia Stone, author of "Invocations to the Light" and "Empowerment and Integration through the Goddess". Wistancia works on earth as a messenger and representative for creational energies, Central Sun energies, angelic energies and the spirit of oneness. Through the Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy, she assists the transition to New Earth as a teacher, healer, author and telepathic channel. She specializes in ascension clearing, activation, inter-dimensional travel, counseling, creative meditation, invocations and white time healing.
Good evening Wistancia, and welcome to Pathways.
Good evening Leslie, and I'm glad to be back here.
Oh...we're glad to have you. To get things rolling here, as we usually do, what I would like to do is backup just a little bit and hear about your background and how your journey began.
Okay, I feel like my journey has been going on this whole lifetime. Very early in it I had introductions to angels, light beings coming into my room and talking with me so it seems like I've been on a spiritual path most of my life. But in the beginning it was more of a meditation path; just wanting to experience love and God inside of me. Then an illness kind of stopped me in my tracks and I basically slept a lot and was guided on the inner plane by many who developed channeling in me and healing in me and kind of brought me to a different path within the path, that was more empowered, I would say. Now, I do a lot of things, I channel, I do what's called White Time Healing that we might have a minute to talk about at some point today, I work with what's called the Golden Movement and write and just do a lot of really wonderful things.
It was really interesting as I was reading through your book, I've read both of them and I think you have a volume two and I haven't got to that one yet, but I wanted to discuss some of the new energies and the things your experiencing. I've been experiencing some dizziness, stuttering through words, (You may hear me through the interview do that), things like that and I want to hear a little bit about your perception of how the physical body is handling some of the integration as we go forward.
I'd love to talk about this. I talk about this a lot with clients and friends and other teachers because it's all so dramatic now. I would say, that humanity has entered the beginning of what's really a new era in the universe, and what that means is that the Earth is going up to a whole new frequency, and a lot of people call it the shift, there are a lot of different names for it. Some of them feel like they understand it in terms of the end time, and others as the beginning time, but definitely the earth is shifting to a higher frequency, a different vibration and going into a different dimension, and this change is occurring everywhere, plants, animals, minerals, vegetables, fruits, everything, the human body, every single cell, and a lot of what is happening is the change is coming in dramatically physically, because it's a real shift. It's not just an idea, or a shift in a thought pattern or something like that; it's all the way into the cell.
Oh yeah, my short-term memory is being greatly affected.
Basically, a lot of the robotical behavior and the things we've stuffed our minds with that are not even necessarily true like beliefs and concepts. A lot of the things that aren't really deep to know are falling away in preparation for stepping into this new frequency that I call the New Earth, and the energies are already here. But I think it's really important to share that in the entire universe, this is happening. It's not just that earth is shifting. It's a new era in the entire universe so our solar systems is effected, our bodies of course, our galaxy and even the Universe, which is billions of galaxies, all are going up to a new level so what's happening now has never happened before. This is really big and this is really new and this is also why so many people feel strange.
Right, and we have a lot of lightworkers out there talking about the grid energy or frequency. Can you explain that a little bit in your understanding?
Right...The grids around the planet are widening. Like, if you looked at the grids, as if they were a sphere, and you saw a thread that goes east to west not up and down, like the equator. Archangels have been empowering these grids, these lines of energy around the Earth. Of course, lightworkers have been opening up grids and working at grid points and in other places where energy has always been kind of strong, like at the pyramids or Stonehenge. All these grids have been activated from the Archangels. I'm not trying to disempower humans but we've had a lot of other help that a lot of other people don't realize.
Your describing it and I'm hearing, "It's a healing blanket. We're creating it together."
That's right it is like a blanket covering Mother Earth and as she is going up and it's affecting the other planets in the solar system so that they are also going up but they are also going up so they in turn are affecting her. What is so interesting is scientists are actually starting to notice this stuff. Listen to this great tiny story, there is this scientist in Sweden that contacted a friend of mine, who is very spiritual and knows a lot about science and was freaking out because he thought that something terrible was happening to the grids because he was noticing how wide they were becoming energetically and wanted to know what to do to reverse it. They thought it was a bad thing and she just kind of chuckling said, because she is an extraterrestrial and knows from a higher point what's been going on and I just felt this is so wonderful that science in our world is starting to notice.
It's also going to affect medicine, as we know it and everything.
Everything, yes. So like yours and mine, our nervous systems are kind of being destroyed and rebuilt at the same time because we are working in these forms and they are actually resurrecting. It's interesting but sometimes when I'm talking to people, I say well it’s kind of like crucifixion and resurrection and ascension happening together. Like if you had a house and you were going to have a couple of rooms dismantled, like a death or a crucifixion of the lower self and then you had a resurrection by redecorating some rooms and maybe add-on a couple of rooms. This is exactly what is happening to us, so it’s no wonder people feel strange. You know, tremendous energy.
It's a definite paradigm shift when you're used to operating a certain way and all of a sudden you go to speak and there are so many thoughts or so many things in your head that the words just won't come out correctly or I've had my share of headaches (my daughter and I both) periodically and the solar flares happen. She seems to be getting a lot from that. You know, you sit and you wonder, like wait a minute and then we step back and ask and we find out a little bit more about it. one of the things I found really interesting is a lot of past lives and karmic issues are coming up almost at once and being released and moving out. What do you feel is the role of karma on Earth at this time?
Oh it is such an interesting thing and I feel like there is no way to prove this, it’s just I have it on the authority of my guides, angels and archangels and friends in other places that karma is totally ending. Like the karmic line is straightening out and so, it's because it really needs to end. It's almost like this, this is how I see it. Almost like a cartoon; Earth is going up to new level. And New Earth is not just a different version of this Earth like, this Earth getting more pure. It's an actual different sphere, a different planet and it is right on the side of the Earth because it is on a different dimension. So if you look with a telescope you won’t see it but it is actually there. This Earth has a bridge to that one and that bridge has been built by so many things and it’s actually happening; the frequencies that are coming over the bridge and going into the New Earth.
Don't you think it has a lot to do also with our understanding of identity and perception of our identity as 3-dimensional beings and finally coming to a point we can step back and really see ourselves multidimensionally now and letting go of what I would say is lower ego and really being able to step out of the I, Me, Mine.
Definitely, I would agree with that and definitely the I, Me is expanding and people are talking about my personal this, and I go, “What is the person?” What is the person? Because what that means is looking in the mirror and saying “Is that you?” There is a whole group standing right behind that one.
I think it is more of integration or a unity now where, what I was meaning was the perception used to be me as an individual and now the me is my face and your face. I am you - you are me. In that since of unity and it starting to be understood and if that is releases is that also releasing karmic issues almost in advance of having to understand them to the depth that we used to go to understand or to try to balance it.
Everything you said, ever word you said in that sentence like the word balance or the word understanding or the word getting along with others is going up in vibration and frequency to take us into more love, that is the way I see it and yes, everything is sort of playing itself out. Even the stuff in our world is absolutely playing it out, almost rubbing the things that cannot exist any longer on the planet going up. The things that can't exist any longer that cant exist on a planet, inside people and in the world are being played out hugely in the media all over the world. Including the war energy as well as the things people hold on to.
It all seems to be happening very fast actually. I've finding it is easier to truly stand within self within that gut feeling verses what I'm actually seeing or told. I'm having to really rely on super sensory feeling and depths verses media coverage or superficial along those lines. I'm finding once I do that that and I'll go back, if I'm having an issue with one o the children or something different I will go back and check the solar flares, the magnetic energy, etc. and what is going on because when this first started happening I thought, am I loosing my mind. You know, I couldn't remember, I'd start a sentence and mid-sentence or in mid thought - boom it was gone and literally I couldn't pull it back and I thought, wait a minute (Laughter)
It also has a lot to do with becoming aware of multi-dimensionality because you mentioned that word. Yes, we are multi-dimensional and what that means to me is to become aware of many of the names, faces and the purposes of those bodies of mine and what they are doing in other dimensions, so I actually starting to communicate with them, watch them and honor them. It is like they are friends, yet they're me, they're parts of me.
Have you heard anything or found out any thing about people that are integrating these chakras into the solar plexus that are having GI issues with cleansing and things like that?
Yes, the stomach because of the new stomach frequencies coming in and online. The parts of our bodies are not doing what they did before. They are doing different things and it is in transition. Transition is just now that easy. So there are so many ailments that are happening but the body will balance itself out and the hope I like to give out is the pain will balance itself out, for some more than others. The body will balance itself out and this hasn't happened before so even doctors and healers haven't seen things go so fast or so far with so many and if you think about it, it’s not just our planet but galaxies and our brothers and sisters in the extraterrestrial worlds are also shifting out and there shift is helping us and ours if helping them because energy goes back and forth. So basically we have an enormous amount of help to lift this thing out in what I would say 2-3 years. It doesn't have to be 2012; there is not law that puts it at that.
I wanted to ask you a little more about the Goddess energies and actually you mentioned to me that how in prayer and also in healing that you are encouraging people to really feel and that being part of the Goddess energy.
Yeah, I think that is part of what got shut down in Atlantis and then since them is almost a worship of the mind and a denigration of the heart and with that the feminine energies lost the place of respect they once had. They were a lot more inclined toward feelings and the inter-directions and the masculine more towards power and the mental and thoughts. Neither is better than the other, they need to be in balance and they got out of balance. So I would say feelings are really important and what we are talking about is Divine power that would come with love and move love forward so that love prevails because love is the substance in everything.
I've often wondered, in your example of the bus and I don't think that the creation energy understands don't or the negatives because it balances it out because sure as you think it - it’s going to happen. (laughter)
It’s interesting because the Divine law is like attracts like and people have this idea on Earth that opposites attract and I think that might come from the difficulty of relationships so they pass it off as opposites attract but actually like attracts like is the stronger principle and that is kind of how the chakras are working and how all this is working. It's that very principle and if we really need another lesson in something then we are going to pull that to us and it's a really interesting time. I love this time and totally love this time and the chakras dissolving reminds me of something in revelations that I remember from a long time ago but I don't remember what the image was, but I remember it had something to do with seven Angels spreading big change over the world, all corners of the world and standing there and someone said to me recently that is probably what they were referring to were the chakras.
Right, I've always wondered about the seals and the chakras as parallels and hear some people there mention that as well.
They are changing so they change people because I was talking about the chakras and how amazing this was and someone said, but what does that have to do with us and I said, because it’s changing us. It's changing and they are getting different jobs to do and they are working at higher frequencies all of a sudden, guess what? humans change. People are walking around saying I know all these things are changing but how are all these people going to change? And one way is that their chakras are going to change and that will change them. All of a sudden they are going to go up in frequency and what they feel will be a little different than what they have felt before. ?It is exciting and there are a lot of other things like guides coming closer preparing people to let go of their fears and preparing them for all these different things going on.
Would you consider this the Golden Era in the Universe?
I do call this the Golden Era in the Universe and the way it was explained to me by some of them in the universe is the whole universe is going up, the entire thing and they are having big meetings about these thing and one part of it is the Earth going up. ?Now we are really preoccupied with that part because we live in our earth bodies, but they have Divine plans within Divine plans that are huge. Huge plans that we don't necessarily need to think of as complicated. There is one purpose.
Have you had any of that timeline, not so much in days but in events been shared with you that you could share?
Yeah, I'd love to because it’s really important since something so big is going on in our universe, in our lives and on earth with all the new frequencies. I think it is really important that people find out what is behind it and there are beings that many of us have names for that have devised timelines and maybe things wont work out exactly as it is set up and the reason is, one of the reasons is because so many considerations. If it were about the Earth then it would be a very simple time line I would think but the Universe is very big and it can take care of a planet easily. Since the whole thing is moving up, a much grander game is going on. So the timeline we had in 2001 is really saying that October of last year the balance came in to start everything in a perfect way and then it took till 2001 so we finally reached [a point], like a green light [went on] so nothing could be totally stopping the Ascension, because in that Fall everything started to happen in such a big way.
What do you think is the most important thing for people going through it, everybody is, but the little pains, quarks all of a sudden the things that used to be very normal are suddenly a little more difficult or all of a sudden are super easy, just the massive change... what would you recommend?
I would say, keep it simple. Maybe this timeline sounded complicated but it’s not, because in each moment, every moment is really rich where every person could feel the life behind life and the life inside of life and if you can stop in a moment and see even an animal breaking a habit or stop in a moment and see the light inside of a tree - I think people need to get out in nature and stop worrying about how it is all going to work out because there is help from everywhere and they need to trust themselves because the information is going to come up within them. And just trying to have a simple experience of love inside the heart because when they start seeing there is love inside them they will know that everyone else has that same sparkle in them.
Well that is funny, because I'm sitting here thinking I want to hear about White Time Healing (Laughter)
White Time Healing works with past, present and future all in one and it kind of wraps them all together, so if you think about it White Time comes from out there in the universe, really far out there. You can work with it for healing but you can work with it in other ways. ?Like it is energy and it can be used to heal but it can be used to travel to the planets. Also you can meditate with it. It was adapted in 1993 to be used on the Earth to heal. It is so beautiful because it goes in before something happens and prevents it from happening and also in the present. I don't know how it works, I've just trained in it four levels and the 4th level was just taught on the Earth this summer. I'm not an expert on it but I work with it and it feels like total love and amazing things happen with it. There are also tunnels through the Universe and if you go into a white time tunnel, then it takes you. 00043 seconds to go anywhere and someone can say, what do you mean? Like it takes the same amount of time to go from one planet to one next to it the same amount of time to go to someplace like 20 galaxies away and the answer is Yeah, because it is beyond time. So it doesn't matter how far apart they are. White Time is kind of like the spaces between atoms and it's a Universal energy. It was adapted for use on the Earth; out there it is a lot stronger than on the Earth because I think it is too strong for the Earth in its full power. It is kind of like giving away atoms if you are healing with it. I love it.
It sounds very interesting... I would like to see if there is anything you would like to add before I go into some usual questions I like to ask my guest here at Pathways and I wanted to include you in that as well.
Go ahead...
What brings you the most joy?
I would say, experience of the Divine and that experience is inside of us and I think that is what I was looking for in everything and that experience is something that is internal and not just going to go away. All my life I've been looking for it and I've done a lot of things to find it and that brings me the most joy, in that I'm onto it now and it’s almost like I'm water skiing and I'm holding on to the lifeline of it. And I'm not saying I have the whole thing, certainly not, but I'm onto it and it connects me to everything in me and outside of me and it’s all one. There really is something like that and I think basically we just got to go inside to find it, because everyone outside will point us to it but it does needs to be our own. You know, our own experience.
Yes I know this and I think it is hard for a lot of people that are starting out and they are making this leap. I've been on this journey for a while as well and I'm sure it's one thing to say it and even have a cognizant understanding of it but it is a total different when you actually are able to stand in the now or in the minute.
For example, I took the children to the zoo a couple weekend back and there was a gorilla there. It was a younger male there and two pairs and he come up and ran everybody else off and came right up to the glass. My son has a little bit of a phobia of gorillas so he was standing there working with it and dealing with it so he was standing beside of me and all of a sudden, I'm a Reiki Master, I felt the need to do Reiki and so I started doing a little healing and it ended up being more intuitive healing as I got into it and he come over, sat down and turned his back and laid down and had his back to me. I worked for oh, not even 3-4 minutes. He rolled over on his back and looked me straight in the eyes and took his finger and wiped tears away. Then he looked at his finger and he tasted the tear and my son was there and said, what did you do and there was a lady just walk up and I simply said I didn't do anything, I was just here but it was in the moment and I was just there with him inside and it was an unusual experience. I've done remote healing and things like that but when I started I was right there with him. I could feel the fur, the lower back pain and all of it and as it released, he simply rolled over and wiped the tears away and stared at me. ?It was just a real unusual experience - one I wont forget. It was very, very special.
As we go on... what has been your greatest challenge?
I think that on some levels pain has been a teacher and a challenge because I've had experiences of pain before and feeling like something is not right here. I think that it has to do with I have a body in the angelic world and in some of the other worlds where things aren't like that and they don't hurt. Things might come around and help the person and they comfort the person, but they [angels] don't actually feel it in physical form. I think since I've only had a few lifetimes on the Earth, according to what I get and what others have told me, somehow there has been a challenge the way things are here and how difficult they are, the emotional and physical pain and things like that.
I heard something that I thought was really funny. I heard two things this week and I don't remember where I heard them, but one is; "Analysis is Paralysis" And that is such a good one because what we are trying to do is really figure out a lot of this and maybe we can’t and maybe what we could do is go into the energy of it and not analyze it. And to let it come in though a different door And the other thing that someone said was; the line was "refusal to do the sequel at any price". It was like a move review I was listening to at the time and I thought that is exactly what humanity has done. We have said we refuse to play out the sequel and it's going to have to change. Sometimes I just hear things that are not about spirituality, nut it strikes me as that is so true and it's a truth that I can take over here. That is exactly what we collectively have said.
So she has written for the edition, she's wrote a review of that movie because she felt that was so important and wanted people to know, nobody gets left behind. ?(Shared Laughter)
Isn't that perfect...
Yes, I thought it was so perfect and she understood it at her age.
Almost, the whole thing we've been talking about this past hour about how it is a universal era not just earth and nobody gets left behind and we are doing this together and I so loved that movie at the end when all the different being came out together because there are so many that are just waiting to be with us, play with us and let the fear go.
Oh yeah, well the time is coming and you can feel things changing...
Well, It’s been a pleasure to talk to you and before we conclude here I wanted to know if you have any events coming up or how people may contact you.
Now I have a lot of training with beings out there so other than sessions, books and all that. I don't have any workshops but I will be going to Sweden in March to become a teacher of White Time.
That sounds real interesting...
Yeah... and White Time is an energy that I remember from my earliest of earliest [times] and the first thing that I was ever a part of “out there in the universe,” so it is so far back into who I am. And so being a teacher [of this energy connection] is going to take me out more into the public and less on the computer and writing and I think I'm ready for it, because White Time brings the worlds together.
Sounds like it is very needed on the planet...
And the other thing is the Wesak and I hope you can come and that is in May 9-11 at Mt Shasta. A lot of writers will be there. (that write for you)
I've heard a lot of good things about Wesak and a lot of good experiences I heard with people that have wonderful things to share from that experience.
There could be some surprises this year to, because I've asked for them, but they won’t let me talk about them. ?(shared laughter) ?Maybe some surprise guest - wouldn't that be fun (laughter). I was wondering if I could read like seven lines that AA Michael gave me.
So he could have a little say, would that be okay.
Oh yes, that's fine.
“Please retain your hope and your original feelings that you began the spiritual journey with. That magic is possible. That there is an ecstasy that is your right of birth. Hold fast to your truth and keep the heart alive and open to lead you. Many will be saying many things that will go against what your heart truly knows and feels, so trust your heart. You have heart power. Trust in that. It will enable you to see beyond the cries and outcries of fear that attempt to gather power. The Power of Love is so much greater than that. And the Power of Light is on your side and in your deep memories, so hold to that and go to that well in the days to come. ?
That's beautiful, I glad you shared that.
I just at the last minute decided to. It was right here in front of me. I think he wanted to end up on a note like that.
Very appropriate. Very appropriate. ?Well it's been a pleasure Wistancia having you with us again.
Thank you sweetheart. It's always so easy to talk with you.
Oh...thank you...
You're always such a perfect host and light bearer to do these things with.
Oh well thank you...and I wish you blessing to come and we hopefully will get to see you at Wesak, if not before.
Bye bye, Honey
Bye bye
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