
The Holy Grail

namaste123 2009. 3. 20. 08:28

The Holy Grail

Hello Precious Hearts. This is the century of innovation, modernization, and technology.

This is the century and the great awakening like none in any recorded history of your

past. The next fifteen years shall unparallel even the last one hundred and twenty years.

In these fifteen years your world shall change so dramatically. Many of the structures

will come down and new structures will come into place that more represent the whole

of humanity.

No one can say at this moment, what certain events will take place. However, one thing

certain is the science and mathematics in your world that evolves the human race, is made

up of cycles. The next cycle is the ten thousand year period that your Christian, Islamic

and the Hindu faith speak of. This next cycle has already begun and the last cycle, two

thousand years in nature, finished in the year 1999.

When that cycle completed itself, beautiful beings of light moved into unique positions to

help humanity. Now, regardless of human opinion, this is the first century in your modern

world in which some human beings have come into the awareness that there are other

dimensions that coexist on your planet. Some human beings have become aware that

there are some humans who have gained immortality in the physical body and reached

that which is termed ‘the ascension’.

Some humans have become aware of the reality of angels yet most have not gained this

awareness. To those people caught in the disbelief, these topics of reality of angels, these

topics of cosmic light beings who have been preparing the earth, helping and working

through the student body that is awakening at this time, seems to be just a lot of 'woo woo'

and better left alone.

Well, my Beloved Friends look at your own lives. Look at your own lives in this life or

any of your past lives. You may remember and you may find that your own life can be

that aspect which whips you into line more than anything else. Not anything outside of

you, but your own life will do that, when you are not doing what you came here to do.

A certain group of human beings decided that they would come forward this century,

wake up, and remember their place in the universe. A certain group of individuals are

determined to unveil the mysteries and go forward with no more suffering, no more

limitation! Let's figure it out! Let's get it done and let's move on with this journey!

Just because a group of people in the world, who are doing this, is a very small group,

does not mean that they are wrong. For they are right. They are very right and very

correct. Our planet this last 100 years has received so much assistance from beings,

human beings that have gained immortality, called great Ascended Masters. The most

popular one to most of us, of course, is Jesus, but there are thousands of others out of

earth's history and other beings that have come in from other systems of worlds. They

have all been working through those human beings on earth who are constructive.

Therefore many people’s lives have become living receptacles in which these beings have

come in and affected the journey of humanity. They have provided enough course

correction that our earth is well able to birth into her greater destiny experience.

The next few years shall provide opportunity for individuals to move into harnessing the

greater powers of their being. But you shall not harness these greater powers until you

come into some knowing experience of a deeper presence that is within you and above

you. For as long as belief is involved you shall miss this train, you shall miss this boat,

for belief is not required. In fact, the belief structure, you may want to set it aside, so that

you could truly know a thing. For when you know that there is a presence, a greater

presence that you could open to and begin to command, and your own lives begin to be

living proof, then so shall be that place where you never look back, never look back to

old belief systems.

Whole new opportunities for revealing greater truth of life and reality is what these next

few years are about. Cosmic beings of light are working through constructive human beings

that I identify as a student body ( students of life) that are living on the earth who are

determined to be constructive, to harmonize - and fully awaken from a dream of pain and

suffering that has been the long history for so many living on earth.

The Americas, how beautifully they are loved by the light! For many of the world's races,

which come to unite under the Americas, hold a greater opportunity now to experience a

degree of harmony, peace and a thrust into a higher consciousness of life. Such a great

landmass now responds to the light of humanity’s eagerness is to understand, and evolve.

Now the next few years, everyone has the opportunity to help each other in the most

wonderful way. The incoming souls at this time that are being born and those who are

growing up as young children and teenagers, they are all evolved souls who are holding

the final keys for all of humankind to wake up. They are the children of the Indigo. They

have evolved through life's great histories. The only thing they have not accomplished

either through choice or through some encumbrance is the ascension, the immortality of

physical life. Embrace and protect the young people of the world.

Many of those who are awakening at this time are of the Indigo and many of you are of

the next evolution, the children of the Diamond Heart. These two groups of souls are the

most evolved out of earth's history of 15 million lost years of civilization. Over the next

several years, great beings of light are going to use many of you to be the way showers,

to unveil not only the mysteries in consciousness, but to unveil those things that have

been kept hidden from humanity.

Six times has humanity reached the apex of evolution that you presently experience and

six times has humanity has destroyed those civilizations due to the selfishness, greed

and discord. I wish to suggest that the best of earth’s civilizations were saved, before

the destruction came. The best, the finest that you created in the art, the music, the great

tapestry of life, many of these things were saved by great beings of light, saved from

destruction. These things have been stored in the great mountain ranges, which will be

revealed in the future.

There will be those who will literally discover the wonderful artifacts and things in

beautiful, perfect condition, things that have been stored by great beings of light. These

things will be revealed in the future.

There is a wonderful divine plan. There is such a wonderful plan that is evolving on your

planet, precious hearts, and it is so important that each and every one of you come into a

dynamic presence of love. It is so important that each and every one of you come into

control of your lives and to recognize that there is no such thing as good and evil in

cosmic terms. That which comes forth from the sea of creation, the heart of creation, is

infinite good and beyond anything that you would call duality or that you would frame as

an experience that you choose to evolve through. And that which is termed fear is a human

creation and, beloved ones, it is time, bless your beloved hearts, it is time to take the torch

in your hands and recognize you are always, at all times greater than the sum total of your

own creations.

Never forget that! Whatever is inside of you and your world out there is your creation, but

never believe that these things are greater than you, for you are consciousness, you are

beingness and you are always greater than any human creation. Therefore as you seize that

torch, each of you are to look at fear right in the eye and say: I know you. I know what you

are. You are a human creation. Yes, when I give all my energy to you, when I give my

attention to you, yes, you can destroy. You destroy life every day, don't you, you little

mischievous one called "fear". But I am calling you out. You are a human creation. I am

remembering the ‘I that I Am’, the ‘I’ of any being is always greater than its creations.

We are asking you precious hearts; to move into the vibration of love, for it is that

which is real. Recognize that your humanity has a certain momentum in it. And that

which keeps you from experiencing states of bliss, the states of your God essence, that

which keeps you from radiating the true sensuality of God/Goddess/All That Is, that

which keeps you from radiating an infinite joy, loveliness, clear mindedness, and single

heartedness is your own humanity and an ancient belief in two powers that has been

made terrifyingly real to you on earth. And that humanity has a certain momentum.

But all limiting human creation can be undone now, as greater powers are being released

into your world. The wonderful divine plan that is unfolding at this hour includes these

great beings of light who are called Ascended Masters, great cosmic beings who must yet

remain invisible - and some of you might say: Well, Why? Why? Why can't they just

become visible and just straighten this right out?

The universe law will not allow these beings to correct conditions on earth until there is

enough human will and desire for it to be so. The ascended masters will always obey

universal law. These invisible beings can only be made visible when the cosmic hour

strikes where humanity has made enough effort to correct their own demise.

The ascended masters can work through humanity. Each of you can become a living

receptacle for their love. In fact, if each day, you looked upon your human self as a living

receptacle for great beings of light to work through you, you would experience dynamic

course corrections so perfect in your daily life. Can you imagine waking up each day

being a living receptacle of their love?

Beloved ascended master beings are perfect in their expression and that is your future

destiny. Regardless of the present experience, your destiny is, as is quoted in the holy

bible: to move into the true expression of you becoming the image and likeness of

Mother/Father God. This true likeness is not the outer human self, good heavens; we all

know that, eh? It is the Higher Self. It is the Glory; this beautiful angel presence that

stands above each of you that is made in the image and likeness of God.

What say might be your life if each day you wake up and said, "This human self is a living

receptacle of the God I Am of My Being, (or what ever name you want to call it up there)

which I call forth to reside, take residence here".

The Holy Grail is your human form, when you have made it a living receptacle for the

I Am of your being, to descend into. What a mystery? You use ‘I Am’ every day in your

life and yet it is the most powerful words in the universe. What a mystery? Right in front

of your nose all along. The cosmic truth. Jesus guided you when he said:

“The truth is simple and you may miss it”.

It is indeed. The universal laws of the ‘I Am’ have come forth this century. They are there

for the student to seek them out. They are no longer hidden in the mystery schools. They

are no longer sealed in Luxor, or sealed underneath the Sphinx or in Tibet, as originally

taught by the great Tibetan Himalayan masters. They are no longer sealed in the Royal

Tetons or hidden in ancient sacred places of central Mexico, Peru or Chile. No. The

ancient mystery schools have been closed. The knowledge that was taught in those mystery

schools is now in the public place and the same teaching that Yeshua ben Joseph, known

to you as Jesus, the same teaching that he received to gain his victory is available out

there for you to find.

These next several years these great invisible ones are moving closer and closer to

humanity. Each of you can become living receptacles that they may pour their light, their

accomplishments, and their victory through you. Thereby tuning you more clearly to

receive the inner promptings, the inner guidance of your own Lord God I Am of your

being. This brings you into that wonderful place, that visionary place in life, in which

higher purpose, passion, reason for being, all comes into a blissful state of cognition, of

realization. Everything begins to fall into place. This cannot be computed by the human

intellect. No. Rather everything comes into place as you realize and recognize these

higher laws and the great beings who have come to assist.

How do you begin this process? You begin this process by 'invocation'. Beloved friends,

if you could see what downloads through your life stream every time you acknowledge

the God I Am of your being, every time you acknowledge your Higher Self, you would

see an impulse, a wave of information, a wave of wisdom is downloaded into the human

form. When you have enough of these waves, they stand in you as a new momentum of

light and that momentum itself pulls you into right alignment with people, persons,

places, conditions and things.

Perhaps you are amongst those people who are awakening in the world, students who

are awakening that we refer to as the student body. There are groups coming together

everywhere. All are hearing the same message. You are those ones that Yeshua ben

Joseph spoke of:

"...that in a distant time and a future, you shall understand my words. You shall become

the way showers and greater shall become your miracles than the ones that I have provided".

When you come to understand this truly, it becomes necessary to access this greater power.

Fundamental truth includes the unleashing and harnessing of the greater powers of your being.

The outer self is the human self, the physical individualization, and this applies to all

systems of worlds. When the physical self has become constructive, harmless to self and

others and maintains a certain degree of harmony, and as that grows, it is a universal fiat

that the great unlimited powers of the god source are to be given, directed, manipulated

and consciously directed by its outer expression.

Now, everyone on earth is the 'outer expression', the outer activity of the Lord God I Am

of his or her being. Now whether you call that the Higher Self or Beloved I Am Presence,

what is most important is that you come to recognize and realize the reasons for when

prayer fails (which is long withstanding in your world).

Prayer fails due to continuous speaking to a God somewhere out there, some abstract form

or force, to respond to your questions or your prayers. In other words prayer fails when

you believe you are communicating to a force separate from yourself.

It is a much more dynamic place of personal empowerment, to move into realization that

every human being, and human opinion is not going to change the fact that every

human being has life force feeding into its human form. Everyone has a higher self that is

providing life for his or her physicality on earth. This higher self is to release its greater

powers into its human self upon your command, where the human has harmonized itself


Now, let's go back to Elijah. Let's go back to Moses. Let's go back to Merlin and the

great Magi, these beings legendary to you in your history books. These were beings who

released the greater powers and performed what the outer world thought was tricks or

miracles or great feats. Many of these individuals were originally taught in the ancient

mystery schools where they learned the inner powers of unleashing the greatness of their

higher self. For the higher self, when the outer self has become completely harmonized

and determined to fully come back into love's presence, will make all of its unlimited

powers available to its human self.

What yet stands in the way of you experiencing this and commanding... "I command the

infinite health, wisdom, strength, love and supply, all the monies, and all the supply that

I require to come forth manifest into my world directly from my Beloved Higher Self.

lean no longer on any man, any person. I lean solely on the ‘I that I Am.” All that it

requires is continuous self-effort.

Metaphysics has been out there long enough that each of you has heard that the higher

self is infinite in its expression and the true source of all that is good. Yet this has not

been truly seeded. You have heard this intellectually and there have been those of you

who have heard this for several years, yet it remains as an intellectual experience. When

does it begin to seed more deeply into the recognition that you know that there is only

one source of good and that good is the ‘I’ of your being. When you understand the

collective, holistic ‘I’, you will realize. You will stop being so concerned regarding the

daily affairs of your life. Instead of being concerned about that, you will remember there

is only one I, one magic presence, and this is truth, and wherever that I is free to manifest,

there is only one source of good.

So you see, you may want to take this in and contemplate it at a deeper level, because

there are many people who have got this message and are successful in their lives and

businesses. There are those business owners who know this truth, that ‘I’ manifests as the

customer, the dealer, the president, the buyer, the seller, the carpenter, the hairdresser. It

is this knowing of this greater truth of the cosmic ‘I’ within each person, that brings forth

its perfect expression when recognized long enough.

When you come into this realization of the inner ‘I’ as the source of your good, now that

‘I’ can manifest in yourself and it can manifest in your life as new opportunities

everywhere. That itself is such a powerful tool to work with. This is just one example of

how at this time life is asking each of you to begin to unleash the greater powers of your

being. It begins through invocation, through comprehension, through realization and as

each of you do this, you will begin to unleash greater powers in your life.

There are so many magical powers being released into your world. Yet unfortunately,

there are very few of you who will use them. There are magical powers that are now

released into your world, that if you can begin to call and use those things, then struggle

could be lifted right out of your feeling body. Within days or weeks upon repetition of

your invocations and if you are truly serious, there are greater powers that you could

unleash into your life now to take every bit of struggle out of your whole life. When you

ask your Higher Self to take every feeling of lack, every painful emotion out of you,

everything could be taken right out, on request.

Yet very few even when coming into this knowledge will do this. It is not because you

are really stubborn. It is because of the human momentum; the old human momentum

that's yet stored in your humanity. Of course, I am beginning to speak of higher powers

such as the sound ray, the light ray and the great cosmic fire that can be released into

your lives that will so purify conditions in your world. Many of you still feel: No, I'll

work it out. I'll process it. I'll get through this thing. It'll leave me. It'll go away. I gotta

do some work here. It's my trauma. It's my baggage. I gotta work through it.

Yes, you do need to own what is going on inside of you, however once you do, you can

begin to tap into the assistance of your Higher Self. Those students that are having

success in their lives are those students who are saying: My God I Am of my being! You

reach down your hand through me and you take this nonsense right out of me! You take

this fear, pain and emotion out of me. You just take it right out!”

If you try and keep trying, you could have success, for every one of you have a Higher

Self. However, your Higher Self does not unleash its greatness until the outer self in any

system of any world, makes some personal application. Your Beloved Higher Self must

wait for your command and the harmonizing of yourself before it will release its

greatness into your world.

Remember the law of momentum. When you start doing something new, you must keep

at it until you see the results. When there is ownership of your emotions, such as....

There is some anger here. There is some regret. There are some feelings of guilt here.

There are some feelings of fear of lack of money. There are feelings that I'll never be in

a relationship or whatever it is... Any one of you could ask your higher self to begin to

remove those things, to lift those things out of you, because as long as they are there,

your thinking and manifestation process is affected in a very negative way.

As long as that bed of emotion is inside of you, your world cannot change. It can only

manifest the struggle that is inside of you. What would happen if at this time, because

there is so much opportunity, what would life be like if there were no sense or feeling

of struggle in your feeling body, or your physical body or your mind? What would your

life be like if there were no form of struggle inside? You would have no struggle in your

world outside of you. So maybe it's time to put things down for a few moments, a few

weeks, and really go after this. Otherwise, you are just wasting your energy. At this time

life is offering that every student have his or her own proof of these higher laws. Each

must have their own pearls. The universe is listening. Your Higher Self is listening. And

it's as easy as this.

The moment that you identify that there is a discordant human quality in you; the

moment that you identify that there is a fear in you; equal to that moment is another

moment that you can move into your heart and can ask your Higher Self to reach its hand

down through you and to take that thing right out of you forever, never to bother you

again. Then just breathe into that place, a gift of appreciation and gratitude to your

Higher Self for going into action to take these qualities out. Keep doing it. How often do

you do it? You keep doing it until you don't feel discomfort any longer. While you are at

it, ask the angels to help you, they can hear your thoughts you know.

Now what you don't realize fully is that your Higher Self has powerful tools that it can

use to get at this stuff and dissipate it or dissolve it or take it up and requalify it. What is

important at this very late hour is that you realize that you do not have to suffer. Control

yourselves. Your feeling bodies are the most unguarded aspect of you. Many of you have

done so much work at this hour, that if you feel a 'human moment' coming on, you can

say: Oh no! I'm not going there. I'm not going to do this again. I'll just call up my joy.

I’ll call up my peace. I will choose peace again.

With determination, you can control your feeling body. Not to suppress or repress, no,

but to consciously stay in your center is the goal. Place a reminder within your

consciousness of those things that require your attention.

Remind yourselves that you have to do some work on those areas that were trying to

upset you. “I've got to do some releasing here. Do I need to process it or can I release it”?

Only you can answer that. If you can own everything inside of you, then we can help you.

The help is just a gentle explanation that says, if you own what’s going on inside of you

as your own stuff, move into your heart, know that anything you communicate into your

heart goes right up the antenna and is amplified to your Higher Self and to other Beings

of Light. Any moment that you identify any form of struggle, you can move into your

heart and say: “Look my Beloved Higher Self. Take this out of me. Take this feeling;

take this pain, this confusion - I don't know. My higher power, I don't know why I'm

here. Take this confusion. Take it right out of me.”.... as an example of what you might

call out to your Beloved Higher Self.

You can use these higher laws to accomplish any constructive thing. The quicker you

begin to use these higher powers, the quicker will you be in the radiance of bliss. You

will be in your sensuality, your God sensuality, and your heart sensuality. You will just

radiate your love, your joy, your peace, your confidence and all the great qualities of

being ness. Everyone will want to love and to be around you. Everyone will want to love

to serve you, to make life right for you. Because you are radiating something that they

desire, people will be attracted to you. Maybe if they stick around you long enough,

some of it might rub off.

Well, there you have it. At this time there is a wonderful energy that is coming in from

the great central sun that is beyond the earth’s sun. It comes in again from the great

Queen of Light. Recently, the Queen of Light visited the earth and many focuses of light

such as Soul Journey were used as a living receptacle to help expand consciousness.

Now this ‘Being’ out in the cosmos that is referred to as the Queen of Light, this Being is

an ascended human being, who in millions of years ago expanded her consciousness

through the whole of the universe, without losing it.

Can you imagine that? I mean you try to concentrate on one thing, imagine extending

your consciousness through the whole known universe. She brings the gift of gently and

continuously opening your consciousness to more light and truth. With her comes another

great Being, the Goddess of Purity. These two Beings are sending forth purifying and

loving energy at this time to wrap itself around each of you to assist you to redefine,

re-decide and re-choose. Stand up and count yourself as being in. You're here to serve

the Light. You're here to fully awaken whatever that looks like for you.

Your intent to receive these blessings weighs much more greatly here than any words or

the specific word. They are beautiful beings. If you could feel how much Jesus and Mary

and the Being who is the manifestation of the next Golden Age, Beloved Saint Germain,

if you could feel the outpouring of their love for each of you, you would so quickly open

your hearts to them. The only way you are going to have proof in your life, that angels

and those beings that are called Ascended Masters exist, is if in the quietness of your own

home when there is no one else looking, it's just you and life, and you speak into your


"I desire to feel the love of an Ascended Master, I desire to feel the love of Jesus and I

want to feel it so close. I'm not going to move until I feel their presence. I am asking for

a tangible experience. Even if I have to wait for an hour."

It's the intent. It's the sincerity that I'm talking about. With that sincerity, life will rush

towards you. The world is changing. The world needs you to rush back to love and to fall

in love with yourselves again. That is what the world needs. There are many that are yet

in the sleep and they are depending on you. Your children are depending on you. The life

streams that will be born in the future are depending upon you coming back to love and

falling in love with yourselves and with each other.

I end my sharing, I, Akasha this day, by simply saying this. There is a wonderful

presence of love that is inside each of you. It is the greatest love of all. You are closer

than you have ever been, to feeling it on a daily level. Know that presence, whether you

call it Christ or Buddha or Brahma or Krishna, that presence feeds life into your body

every moment. And my goodness, remind yourselves of this every day: That presence,

if I acknowledge it, is the source of everything good in my life. Therefore let me hourly

come back, come back, come back. Hourly remind myself of this. Why? Because the

hypnotic spell that is out there in the world is yet so pervasive. And that's why you want

to continuously remind yourself of these higher truths. As you remind yourself, you are

stating the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Namaste, Blessed Heart
