Ascension/Ascension Healing Resources

Sonic Alchemy: Toning and Light Language

namaste123 2008. 5. 20. 14:44

Sonic Alchemy

"Toning and Light Language"

By ZaKaiRan

Perhaps the biggest Ascension tip I could give anyone to quantumly accelerate their awakening process, is the adoption of Toning and Light Language into their spiritual practice and everyday life. This Sonic Alchemy is definitely the most accelerated technology available for reality altering; illusion, structure, pattern, limitation and distortion shattering. Also for manifestation; for bringing in your God Presence and higher dimensional cosmic angelic extraterrestrial… “Ascension” energies; and for general balance and fun.

Toning and Light-Language, are channeled super-high-encoded-sound-light-color-frequencies that we all communicate with on the 5th dimension and above. It is our natural way of communication on these higher dimensional levels. It is direct and extremely efficient. It is telepathic, psychic, dimensionally visual…; able to be seen, felt, heard and directly known by our higher dimensional senses.

Toning carries super accelerated dimensional frequencies, encodements, teachings and colors that are typically unable to be heard, seen and understood by our normal human perception. They more your higher abilities are opened and honed, the easier you will be able to feel, hear, see and know their affects. Immediately, these affects can be felt by everyone. 

Those beings who are open to awakening, will feel extremely comfortable with these sounds, and will recognize them as “home”. Other people will be repulsed by these sounds because they are too high of frequency for them. Their realities/illusions, (patterns of denial), that they guard with extreme vigilance, are instantly affected by these alchemical frequencies, and they must hold tight to them to keep the walls from crashing down around them.

If you are accosted by a human who is possessed by a dark spirit or ET; or by an ET, (such as a reptilian), who is masquerading as a human with the use of holographic technologies, and they are trying to get you some how - I highly recommend you tone up a storm. They will not be able to maintain their illusory integrity and will have to leave your presence immediately. Channeling Divine energies is the best defense imaginable against dark forces.

Light Language is an actual language channeled from a specific dimensional or physical "extraterrestrial/Angelic" place that you have more than likely spent lifetimes within, or you as soul, within another embodiment, exist in now, in this time frame reference. It is a language you speak on/in these places. From an initial perspective, Light Language is just gibberish, something we did naturally as children. The more adept you become at channeling these languages, the more real they will become and the better you will be able to track their origin. You will not typically know what you are saying, as most of it is relatively untranslatable and not relevant to typical third dimensional reality and consciousness.

As your higher perception opens up, you will be able to translate this language, or know general intentions and meanings for these sounds. You may know that what you are saying is a specific invocation to accomplish something. You may become aware that what you are channeling is from specific extraterrestrial star systems or specific individuals… Regardless, the point is not to try to figure it out and try to translate what you are doing into English or whatever earth language you typically use. You are channeling a whole new language, and they are not even necessarily “words”, certainly not as we typically determine words to be. Light Language is completely cryptic, encoded, and multidimensional; so it has multitudinous meanings and interpretations.

There are myriad's of different tones specific to our bodies, energy systems, light bodies, the earth… As you play, you will discover these, but do not be concerned with specifics, just have fun. Some of the possibilities are: your Star Tone, which is related to the star system you are very much aligned with due to extensive past lives there, or where you originated from as a Spirit. Other tones can be related to chakras, the earth (Earth Tone); your heart (Heart Tone); your soul (Soul Tone - Soul Presence); Higher Self - I AM Presence Tone; God Presence Tone…, all specifically resonating with these aspects of ourselves. You will find the frequencies you most resonate with.

Toning and Light Language can be used for cleansing and clearing your house or for the clearing or activation of higher dimensional energies in a room for meditation, workshops, higher connection, group connection, MerKaBa activation…; to anchor Love/Light Columns, portal anchoring… You can also use them for the healing and clearing of the land; specifically the clearing of ancient massacres; imbalanced energy portals; releasing land attached spirits; clearing/aligning Sacred Sites, whose energies have been tapped into or abused…

Toning and Light Language can clear dense energies in your physical body, thus healing affected areas and your overall being. It can dismantle implants; clear the energy in your aura; disconnect psychic cords; balance your chakras; balance psychological imbalances; shatter dark karmic crystals; bust patterns...; release disembodied spirits, elementals, negative ETs, dark lords… Just "tone out" these energies and patterns…, that you are complete with.

They are highly affective if used with other healing modalities to clear stagnant energies and patterns in clients. Just tone the affected area. You may also use visualization if you know what you would like to accomplish with the specific ailment. Use Toning or channel specific language to affect the specific change required. Calling upon the Angels, your Divine Councils and other buddies on higher dimensions is highly recommended in these cases to affect maximum shift and healing. When doing “healing” work, your hands will move in all kinds of different ways. This is also part of channeling these sounds. 

Toning and Light language doesn’t just come through your voice but through your hands and your entire body. The movement of your hands also accomplishes similar things to the sound. In the case of clearing, the movements facilitate this. In the case of manifestation, your hand movements facilitate this. Just let your hands do what they want to do. Also when doing “healing” work, especially as you open to working with the Etheric Light Teams, you may be given etheric instruments to do certain things on people. You may need one of these instruments to remove implants, or to remove a tumor, or to activate DNA…

Use Toning and Light Language to “sing” things into manifestation. They can be used in unison with other techniques of manifestation, such as pranic manifestation (contained in this book and on my website). You "tone in" the higher frequencies of manifestation, for the embodiment of your desired ability, or mastery…, or for the specific thing you need to help your mission and life.

Doing Toning and Light Language is the perfect thing to do to set the energies (the Tone) for workshops (or playshops, as I prefer to call them); and especially for the invocation, anchoring and embodiment of your Divine Presence, the Ascended Master; Angels... And because it is channeling, if you desire to channel or already do channel, it is a great way to open up these energies, this direct column to higher dimensions, for the channeling of these energies and earth words. Also, since Light Language, and Toning, are not typically human, and can be typically referenced in normal reality, it bypasses the mind and ego, all “normal” human perceptual reality and ways that we typically perceive reality.

It is magical, and cosmic, and extraterrestrial; and faery; and dolphin; and bizarre; and normal; and everything; and nothing.

Practicing Re-Teaching Yourself Toning and Your "Native" Tongue, (your Natural Language)

Just do it without thinking about it. You are toning, not singing, so don’t worry about sounding pretty, (although you can turn light language in to song later). The more you let go of your fears and embarrassment, the better you will get. And the better it will naturally sound as you become more in tune with these divine sounds and are more able to channel directly without altering the frequencies for any reason.

Play with different frequencies, higher ones, lower ones… Try to go as high as you can and as low as you can. The more you practice the more your throat chakra will open up and your voice box will open up to channeling higher frequencies. Move your mouth in different ways: more open, tighter lips… Just tone, don’t try to analyze what you are doing, just sound. 

Tone out your embarrassment and all the times you have been told not to sing or that you’re no good at singing…, so that it becomes natural and you can perform this sonic alchemy any time and anywhere that it is needed. The shower is a great place to practice; it’s also a great thing to do to help cleans you auricly as you are doing so with water.

Many different tones and languages will come from your mouth if you just play. After you have done many types of languaging and toning, you will know their origins, or have some inclinations as to their origins being from different star systems; these will give you some idea of where you originate from and had lifetimes in many types of bodies around the planets and universes.

Toning and Light Language is channeling - plain and simply. Feel the frequencies coming through your head area chakras, especially your crown chakra and the occipital chakra, at the connection of your neck to your skull. Allow your child essence to have fun and play, allowing your toning to naturally turn into light language, (cosmic gibberish). It is a reconnection with your extraterrestrial origins and natural divine function. Allow your voice (throat chakra) to connect to these chakras and channel these tones and languages.

Heal all your past wounds where you may have used sound in a negative manner. Forgive all past experiences of the misuse of sound, especially Atlantis. There is also much trauma in our memory banks about singing. Release all traumas and past experiences from this life and all others, where you have been abused for singing. These are often child hood memories, where you were told to, "shut up and stop singing", or that your were a rotten singer and to "keep your day job". 

Heal those memories and forgive those beings who did not know any better than to abuse you and your "angelic" voice, who were jealous of your ability to express yourself, and were ashamed of their voice and inability to express themselves, and wanted to deny this suffering by projecting their insecurities on to you.

Also related to fears and traumas of singing/toning…, is speaking; when we have been abused, tortured, killed…, for speaking the truth. Sonic Alchemy is indeed speaking the truth. Release all of your vows and agreements to not speak, tone or sing the truth.

To begin your practice and to Unify Individual and Group Sound Work, say this invocation: "I ask the Sound Angels and Masters of Sonic Alchemy to support me (and/or place us) in a Divine Chamber of Sound. I ask for the complete healing of all wounds from past spiritual practices of use or misuse of sound, to be healed and forgiven. And I ask for complete Karmic Absolution for myself and everyone associated with these lifetimes. I ask for all sound, singing, toning, languaging and channeling abilities within me to be unified, healed, forgiven…, and brought back to original intent. I allow and invoke the full and complete embodiment of the blueprint of Sonic Alchemy!

Sound Vows

“By Divine Decree!; with the Essence of God-Goddess and the Power of Grace; and my own God-Goddess-Presence; I Completely Rescind any and all Vows, and break any and all Agreements, (Contracts, Promises…), that I, or anyone else in this body has ever made, (or that any of my Soul Extensions, aspect of my beingness, or anyone in my genetic lineage - has ever made); in this or any other lifetime; across space time and dimension. 

And I Release to the Light, any and all energies, entities, attachments, mechanisms, structures, implants, programs, codes, beliefs, thought-forms, curses, judgments, perceptions or pictures of reality…, such as: I will never speak the truth again; I will never sing, tone or doing light language again; it is dangerous to speak, sound, sing…, the truth; I am not a good singer; I don’t know anything; I’m not good enough; no one wants to hear me speak, sing, tone…; I might do evil with sound; sound is evil; sound can kill; I could kill others with sound…

Now open a doorway, tunnel, Rainbow Bridge, above your head to the Light. See these things moving off to the light, give them all up to God. See the Angels taking them away.

“And I ask for complete Karmic Absolution for anything and with anyone related to these vows, agreements, beliefs, patterns... I also ask for my soul extensions and aspects related to them to be placed in a Healing Chamber and Love Cocoon, to be healed and released from their own patterns of denial”.

“I now ask my Spirit (I-AM-God-Goddess-Presence) for New Pictures of Reality, Insights, Awarenesses and Divine Structures, to replace these Vows, Agreements… And I ask for massive Grace and Ease in the release and integration of all of this. I now close any and all 3rd and 4th dimensional doorways associated with these vows. And So It Is!”

The Quick and Easy Chakra Balancing Technique with Toning

This chakra balancing technique is best accomplished with a member of the opposite sex. The balance of male and female invokes change and alters reality. They are the forces of creation. If there is no one of the opposite sex, a person of the same sex must call upon the opposite sex energy. 

For instance, if you are a woman, doing a woman, you must call upon your maleness to accomplish the task, and vice versa for a male, he must call upon his femaleness. If you are alone, although somewhat less affective, you can do a similar technique by calling upon your opposite gender energy.

Stand with the other person facing you a little to your left. Place your left hand (not touching) in front of their base chakra right in front of their genital region. Raise your right hand comfortably in the air and begin toning.

This is an extraterrestrial Light language, so you may feel like toning high or low, or any number of ways. You may make all kinds of bizarre ET sounds and “words” depending on where you are from and what is needed in the moment.

What this does is channel higher dimensional energies through you and the toning, and activates their base chakra. If you get this chakra spinning, all of the other chakras follow suit and spin as well, it activates your kundalini, and gets it traveling up the spine, activating your chakras. Continue until you feel it is complete. Now the other person does you.

You will have an experience of losing your head as your upper chakras become open, and all of your chakras spin in synchrony. You will feel very spacey initially but you will be energetically perfectly balanced in your pineal center and grounded in true reality. You are now ready for anything. This is a good technique for general balancing and centering, and a really good thing to do if you have to go into dense situations or public places, because you cannot be knocked off balance.

You may also be drawn to do specific tones directly on your friend’s chakras or any other place on their body. This is a Light-Body technique that may have many purposes: releasing stagnant energies, shattering dark crystals, DNA or Light-Body healing and activation, or just general upliftment.

Happy Toning!!!!!!!!!!!
Infinite Blessings of Divine Sound!!!
