
The Principles of Love

namaste123 2008. 11. 15. 10:46

Jesus the Cosmic Christ, Sanat Kumara,

Lord Maitreya and Mother Mary

on “The Principles of Love”

Rev. Cathy Acker
Channeled by Rev. Cathy Acker

aster Hilarion is coming in and setting up the frequencies. They are going to open up the gate to Shamballa which is connected to the heart centers and the heart center of the Earth. At this time, he would like everyone to hold the intention of calling in the spirit of Divine Love and Unconditional Love. The heart of Maitreya now is coming forth and guiding the energies inward and upward. Many more people are Maitreya’s disciples but don’t always know it because he holds the Hierarchy of the Office of the Christ, the Brotherhood of the Christ. This is a cosmic threshold that even St. Francis worked within as we began to train him in the healing properties that are truly Divine Love. We would like at this time for you to move your arms upward, kind of stretch out your energy fields and lighten the rooms where you are. Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, and the Blessed Mother are going to contribute also tonight and I am now the Cosmic Christ coming through the body of Maitreya which is truly my name within the higher heavens also. Sanat Kumara is going to raise the frequency of our channel and guide her energies further into my heart as I begin to place a veil of consciousness around her to lift up her heart.

Paul the Venetian, the Chohan of the Ray of Love, is truly one of the teachers of the principles of love. Many on Earth do not yet know this divine being; his heart is very pure, and I, Maitreya, counseled him in many lifetimes before he was asked to lift up the hearts of so many. The doves are truly flying in the holy city of Shamballa this evening as we are greeting so many of our disciples there. We would like at this time for you to begin to relax with the energies and relax the mind so that your hearts can continue to open to a field of light and energy.

Tonight, we are working with purifying the energies of the Third Ray so that you may come to understand and work with the principles of Divine Love. Divine Love goes hand in hand with Divine Mercy. It is a light that unfortunately is not held in the majority of the hearts on Earth or in the minds and those who work with the energies of love; so many misqualify this energy with limitations and judgments. We call for these meetings for many reasons: to give you instruction, to welcome you into the Sisterhoods and the Brotherhoods that we are coming from, and to strengthen the light from your own God Presence so that you may begin to be a conductor for the frequencies that we are sharing with you at each class.

Independently, each one of you has a great responsibility as a disciple to the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood of Christ.
Each one of you is going through a process of merging your energies with the Office of the Christ where you begin to receive the Mantel of the Christ. This is why many times we take you to the Altar of Forgiveness so that we can begin to give you a greater understanding of what it takes or what you need to do to harness more light from your own I Am Presence and this gateway and this threshold fully opens to you. Some of you are we are not saying those in this group but many of you, do not fully understand the teachings that you received when you were younger on this planet. You do not fall out of favor with God but you do misqualify light and in doing so you remove yourself from the tube of light and move into an outer reality, the reality of the ego. This is when darkness, confusion, and chaos surround you, and many of you feel that you are losing yourselves. This is occurs often throughout the day. We radiate love to you continually. Many of you do not respect yourselves enough to stay within the tones or the vibrations that we are amplifying to you and your hearts begin to close. As this process occurs, you shut down and remove yourselves or lower you consciousness into an astral field.

The Great Central Sun of Alpha and Omega is funneled through, or stepped down, through the sun system that you have chosen to evolve within: in your system many of you already know this it’s Helios and Vesta. Each one of you is learning to control many of the Rays in this lifetime, which is truly harnessing the light of Alpha and Omega. Each one of you is “The only Begotten” and your Presence, your God Flame, is waiting for you to return.

The Cosmic Christ is the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood of the Office of the Christ. In this galaxy, it operates under the direction of the great God Helios of your Central Sun. This makes you a son and daughter in this galactic system, in this solar system. The hearts of many are actually tied to you. Theprinciples of love, as you would know them, begin with each one of you. This is the only way that we can truly begin to teach you this great understanding. So many teachers have stepped forth on the planet and have spoken about standing in your truth, which is your inner being, your great light.

Many of you make mistakes because you do not truly understand the gift that we are sharing with you. The soul level of you knows only unconditional love. It does not see or mirror patterns to itself that are undesirable. To truly embrace the energy of love, which is very stepped down from universal levels, you need to begin to reconcile with yourselves, within your own hearts and your own minds and surrender to the energy of your God Presence. As you begin to do this, you are of greater service to the spiritual masters that work with you and also to that indwelling spirit that knowing that is your Presence. The heart chakra that we are speaking of is not the earthly chakra that so many of you have been working with. The heart chakra that we are speaking of belongs to your lightbody and holds a higher prism of light.

In the past, we have taught many of you about the unified chakra. The unified chakra belongs to a lightbody. That lightbody holds the energies of the heart center where your spirit exists. It is several meters outside of the physical body, more in your aura than in your physical body. This is why each one of you needs to have a filter around you and why so many divine beings, including that of Archangel Michael, share with you the understanding that you need to call for protection for your auric field. one or several masters need to help you slice through and clear the ties that are anchoring to you. The cosmic regions that we are teaching you about will be understood when you fully anchor your energy to Shamballa. Shamballa, a long time ago, held the blueprint for a race of beings. Many of you already know the story of Sanat Kumara who was able, for a time, to harness enough light to stimulate the rebirth of consciousness on this Earth after the fall. Your memories are so clouded that you have allowed, not all of you, but many of you, judgments to overtake you.

We are all on Shamballa now, and we are walking in a meadow. Each one of you has sandals on. We are going to ask you to have the thought that you are removing your sandals and walking in a meadow. There is a spring off to the side and many Ascended Beings, your teachers, are surrounding you. The heart of God is expanding with each one of you.  Often, when Mother Mary speaks to you about forgiveness and unconditional love, many of you feel shame for thoughts that you have had for contributing to the lower thoughtforms still cycling through your Earth plane. This evening, for a moment, allow us to remove that feeling of guilt from you and to truly open your heart and open your mind to connect these two frequencies of living light, of living the principles of love, and of accepting greater unconditional love in your life. When you begin to allow us to release greater light to you from your God Flame, and you firmly begin to ask to experience unconditional love, some people in your life and many life situations will begin to dissolve away. This occurs to give you a greater opportunity to hold a greater amount of the Ray of Love and to harness this love, not only through your heart but through your mind and through your energy bodies. As you begin, and continue to work with the Ray of Love, you automatically begin to work with the Fourth Ray, the Ray of Purity. These two Rays, in combination, begin to steer you in the right direction of this great understanding of becoming an ascended master.

We began so long ago speaking to you about the divine flame within the heart and the energies of the Threefold Flame. Tonight within the Threefold Flame, we are focusing on the pink plume helping to expand that light and yet keeping it in balance. The Ray of Love is a piece of the expression of God birthing consciousness into its offspring. It is a pure thought. This light is also a guiding light, guiding you home to the first thought that created you. Your Creator loved each one of us so much that he placed this flame within the heart of His/Her creation. What this means is that it makes each and every one of you the first born. As we say these words to you let that frequency and that tone absorb within you.  Call yourself the first born. Feel what that feels like; feel the mastery within these words and as you do, you will slide very easily into the energies that you call your I Am Presence for this is how each and every I Am Presence feels.  This is why we love and respect and honor each one of you. There is none among you that is greater than another or than another ascended being. Your Presences stand beside ours.

Each one of you are on this call because you have a desire to experience greater love, greater magic in your own lives. Many of you, not all, but certainly many of you think that the image that reflects back from you in the mirror is who you are. I, Maitreya, tell you that that is a false statement. Look in the mirror and see the light around your heart center, and I tell you: that is who you are. You are each magnificent creations sculpted by the hands of a great artist. Tonight my gift to you is a cosmic flame. It is going to stimulate growth of unconditional love and the principles of love within each one of you.

As we are in the meadow, miraculously an altar appears in the center of the group. You will see a masculine figure if you have inner vision, standing near the altar beaming with light and with joy. Each one of you is merged with your Presence. We are going to ask each one of you to step inside of my light, which is very bright. You may not see facial features. I am reflecting back to you the image of your own divine self in this exercise. one by one each one of you will be escorted and you will be welcomed into my heart which is truly the heart of the Christos, the mind of the Christ, the oneness. This is what my brother Kuthumi experienced and why he is also a planetary Christ and many, many others.

The doorway to the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Christ is always open. So many of you come before us with regrets because you wish you had an opportunity to be more love while you were in embodiment. Be all that you can be. As you move into my heart, a violet light expands out and also around you assisting you in tempering the ego, the ego mind that keeps you in limitation, in fear and lack, and actually in a dense body. Feel the heart flame within each one of you beginning to dance, beginning to sing its own resonance of song of when it was birthed.

So many of you do not understand what love is because you are trying to control so many others in your lives or situation that you have no business getting yourselves into. Stand aside and respect the other person and know that God lives in them as he lives in you or she lives in you, from whatever perception you desire to come. They might not be choosing, at this time, to be the reflection of their God Presence or their Creator, but you can certainly be that. Over the next several months, we are preparing many of you to step inside this flame and to remain in it, to go out this door no more, and to fully embrace the Mantel of the Christ, which is the Christ Oversoul, the Christ mind that St. Paul spoke about so often. It is the love of God for its creations. In this process, we begin to teach you how to walk or step in beat with this God flame. The memory body is cleared and the chapel within you is where your consciousness will be held. This does not mean that there will not be ups and downs in your lives, but it means that you will learn to trust more and to move with the wave rather than swim against it. The fears in your lives will be lessened and the energies of your own miraculous body will begin to work more and more through you.  You are harnessing the Ray energy, moving past the energies of the sub-planes.

Your Creator beyond the solar system is great love, great understanding, and great wisdom. This is where your divine monad exists. The divine monad exists within the heart of God. This is where it has its place; this is its birthing place. Your consciousness, for several of you, will begin to hold greater properties from this level of consciousness or octave. The memory bodies that you hold on earth at some point in your evolution will be absorbed in this greater light. This should not be feared. The memories that you hold dear to your heart that have served you will remain with you, but the mistakes and the errors will no longer be. This is why we tell you to release them; they do not serve you. So often we’ve taught our disciples that you cannot serve two masters. Each one of you in your struggle, in your earthly life, is beginning to understand these words more and more. The nature of God is divine love and understanding. The spark of light that exists within you is of the same substance.

At this time, Archangel Metatron appears before us also. We are the Cosmic Christ, Maitreya, and Sanat Kumara. Archangel Metatron is responsible for aligning each one of you within the center of the columns of light descending from your I Am Presence. If you do not understand what your I Am Presence is, there are many illustrations that you can look at (for instance, the one at the Ascended Masters Research Center It is a structure of light beaming down through many, many octaves and dimensions totally enfolding its lower creations. Right now, it has a memory block that prevents you from truly knowing that part of self until you have qualified enough light to move further up through the column of light which is your Tree of Life. This is what the Kabbala was teaching in the Tree of Life. The central tube of the Tree of Life holds the radiance of your God mind, of your God Presence, and of your soul ray which is the ray that you chose as the expression of God to harness in this life time. Right now there are many beautiful beings surrounding each one of you.

Some religions would find it difficult to understand that I, Maitreya, am the Office of the Christ, yet I am a Buddha as well. There is no separation in the mind of God. Both teachings teach to hold qualified light. The misunderstanding on your planet has created division that we do not experience. The heart center of God is not labeled or owned by any religious order or sect. It belongs to each one of its creations. The door to Shamballa now has been opened for each one of you. It does not belong to the Buddha or the Buddhist tradition only. It is the pure light of God radiating and ensouling this planet for those who are ready. Some have called it one of God’s heavens, one of the Holy Lands. The Christ has his home there as well. You call him Jesus of Nazareth. He is also at the Central Sun of Helios and Vesta and of Alpha and Omega. The currents coming to earth are divided. This is what creates duality on your world. Within the heart, it has the ability to come together and become balanced in the chakra system through the energies of the Third Ray, the ray of love. Love can also protect you. It is also the diamond heart or the sacred heart of Christ and of the Blessed Mother. It is the out pouring of God’s great gift of mercy and of grace.

Long has each one of you desired to drink from this fount, from these heavens. This is where you begin to experience the still small voice within self. The Buddha called it the emptiness when all things dissolve into nothingness which is love. A mind that is occupied in the outer world and in the outer disturbances cannot truly embrace the principles of love and know its Creator. You need to begin to slow down the processing. We are not saying that the outer world is not important for so many of you have chosen in this life time to experience both, but for a period of time of each day or in each week, it is recommended that you create a center within yourself and enter in. That doorway may open up to Shamballa, it may open up to your God Presence or to the heart of your Creator, the heart of the Blessed Mother, or her son, but this is truly the way that you enter into the heart center of your God Presence.

Some people may not fully understand our words. God created an image of himself called your God Presence. Your God Presence created two flames called your I Am Presence and your Twin Flame. Some descended, some did not, some went on to be Holy Angels, some chose to work in the lower octaves and experience lower mind. Rays of God’s intentions and of God’s qualities also went out from God—from the heart and the mind of God. It is spiraling spheres of light. These are the rays from the central suns. These are the energies that your Presence basks in, the knowingness that it is a creation of the most holy. This light exists within each one of you as a spark. We took many of you on a journey a long time ago to the Calling on the Angels. We did this for a reason. We did this so that you would receive the shaft of light and the doorway would be open so that the column of light would flow through you steadily and would be there for you when you called upon it.

Archangel Michael is now present with us also. He beams with joy at the success of this world. The evil that exists here is in the mind of separation that is still a hindrance to so many. Stare into the face of the Christ or the Buddha and know that you too can be absorbed into this great light and into this great understanding and become the master. Hold the intention of knowing God’s mission for you and to expand God’s love unto the world. Work with your control issues. Ask us to assist you if needs be and we will work by your side. Make time to pray and to meditate and always, always seal your auras, seal you homes. There are many stray thoughts that exist on the earth plane. Each one of you is like a magnet either for the qualified light or the unqualified light. This is what creates so much of your depression.

The soul ray for each one of you is different at different times in your life. Some of you are straddling a fence. Some days you are able to hold onto more qualified light and be in more control of your emotional bodies than other days. Some days you are on the other side of the fence. We know how difficult life on earth is and this truly saddens us. For those who have not yet had an experience with us, expand your imagination that your God Presence exists within self, that you are a mirror image of the force of energy that created all things. Look at the expansiveness in the night sky and in the horizon and know that the one who created that also created you. Know that the one who created the beauty of the hills and the mountains and the rains also created your divine image.

The soul’s light from the divine monad begins to be absorbed more and more and a field of light that exists around the physical body—called your aura—and you actually drink in this milk and honey, and as you drink it in, you begin to remember who you are and who the Source is and that this Source is breathing through you in each moment, loving through you and thinking through you. We have enjoyed working with you this evening. We are Maitreya the Christ, the Christ that exists within each one of you. We are also the Sacred Heart displayed in the picture of Lord Jesus the Christ and that of the Blessed Mother. We are also the sacrament that so many of you have shared with us. That was the meaning of the sacrament given so long ago that would embody the energies of the Christ, that you sip the blood, the lifeline of the Christ, that you would walk in the steps of the Christ, be the hands of the Christ, the mind of the Christ, the eyes of the Christ and of course so many of you understand that is also that of the Buddha.

We are going to bring the group closer to earth. This does not mean that many of you still do not exist on Shamballa and as we are doing so we have been asked to bring in some of the energies of the First Ray for so many who are on this call need that energy. It is actually on the request of Archangel Metatron to help stabilize the energies of the Threefold Flame that is the Will of God, it is also the protection of God, and it is the creation of God. Just allow that energy to encircle you, to lift you up, to empower you in balance. This will help balance some of the energies of ray of love. Shamballa is, if you have eyes to see, a golden city and for earth. It holds the energies of the heart of God, of the mind of God, and of course the love of God. Some of you are not used to maneuvering in these worlds. When you are with the Cosmic Christ you do not enter into an astral plane. We do not teach astral travel. This is why you travel through your soul ray and through the heart of your Presence so that light is always around you. Tonight each one of you experienced qualified light from the heart center. Within your mind, try and make a point of holding onto it. This is why we introduced prayer to the planet to help teach a disciple that would keep you into the energy or a vortex of the holy marriage between you and your Creator, you and the divine forces.

The man, Jesus the Christ, when he was in embodiment did not ask to be worshiped. He stepped forth as a teacher and a messenger. A teacher of the way and the truth and all who went by that way, the way of the Christ would come to know God, would come to know that God existed within him. He is truly honored by the gifts that this world has bestowed upon him and he works very hard to raise the consciousness of his disciples, not to worship him but to be part of the brotherhood and the sisterhood that he joined or became one with. He raised his consciousness as an example for each one of you just as he raised his heart energies and the levels of his love. Each one of you is like a magnet bringing towards yourselves all energies within that octave or vibration. If what you are sending out is filled with disharmony, this is also what you are attracting back to you. This is what you need to control. Do not worry about controlling others. Look to see what is in your own back yard and what weeds are growing there and make your garden beautiful so that the Christ mind can embrace you and overshadow you. The principles of love, as you continue to work them and call them in, will begin to purify not only the heart but the mind. It will bring the mind out of judgment, and it will teach you to hold more qualified light. This is a wonderful technique and it can be very useful for people who are suffering from substance abuse. The greater light that they are holding, the greater the pull will be to purify their physical lives.

Everyone drew from the flame of Maitreya during the transmission. (See the Juneand August newsletters to get Parts 1 and 2.) Mother Mary is coming in now. I am going to prepare you to focus back on the physical body on earth. See the Earth Mother calling you home. There is a part of you that remains here with us. This is where we bring you in the evening when you sleep or to our ashrams for your higher education. Many of you see the Cosmic Christ as my son, Jesus the Christ. Maitreya does not mind that. He is that representation on this planet. Sanat Kumara is the Ancient of Days that you know from your Bible. These divine beings hold the energies of God’s love and mercy for this planet, but they oversoul the planet and they raise up the children of God when they are ready or when they called out. Learning to work with the Mind of God is very powerful; you need to learn to harness that energy and light, and you need to respect yourselves as an integral part of creation. You would not be here unless God desired to put a flame in you. So each one of you is equally important and manifested here.

You are returning to earth with a prism of light all around you from Archangel Metatron as part of the dispensation that you are receiving this evening. We have been working on clearing the memory bodies also. You are so disheartened in this life time. Many of you cannot find your joy. Each one of you carries the purpose to love: to love one another, to love yourselves, and to amplify that love out into the world. This is what my son meant when he said to know thyself. The shadow side of each one of you has overpowered you. This is truly what Satan is. Tell that part of self that you will have it no more. Claim your sonship, yourdaughtership. Each day, continue to grow and respect yourself. Each day, say “I will have an ounce of respect for myself and I will reflect within me the consciousness of God.” The heart and the mind will eventually come into harmony with each other. It takes a little while to master this. This is why you need to have the faith of the mustard seed. So many have walked your planet, not just my son, and have become the master within. This is what each one of you is called to do within this lifetime, and it is truly what you chose.

Below you, you see a small planet, a blue spark. Archangel Michael is going to guide each one of you, along with so many of us divine beings, back into the physical bodies, ground you to earth, and place a filter around you. We are trying to teach you to walk in peace. Be merciful in your dealings with others. Show others kindness and be respectful, and be respectful towards self. The wisdom of the ages exists within each one of you. So many of you show so much faith in my son and in me, and it is such an honor for us to step forward and to work with you in this way. Jesus and I, and so many other masters, continue to serve this planet with joy in our hearts and in prayer and in meditation we come to all who call upon us. St Joseph is also St Germain, many of you know that. He wants you to call upon his Violet Flame energy. Anchor that into the heart of the physical body on earth and I am placing a diamond within your heart and within your mind and within your aura for those new joining us this evening to help stabilize these currents. My Ashram, beneath Vatican City, is where I harness the energies of the Order of the Blue Rose for this planet. For those working with those frequencies, this is where the initiations take place. The Fourth Ray, the ray of purity is surrounding each one of you also. If you do not understand that, do not worry. These rays were also harnessed within the sacrament if you are coming from that background. This is truly what my son was teaching in a different way. The philosophies may sound different but the energies are the same.

Christ be with each one of you. May you each stand at the altar of the Christ and receive that blessing each day and in each moment. May you know God, may you know the love of God and the mercy of God, and may the light of God reign upon you.

Divine beings are grounding the energies to earth. Jesus is telling me he has done a lot of chakra balancing tonight. For those who were ready, he brought you into the energies of the Divine Monad; those are the energies of your Presence which goes by many names. In ancient days, they called it the Holy of Holies. It is part of the energies of surrender so that the living light can enter into the physical body, the physical mind, so you struggle less and love more. This is all part of knowing yourself, knowing that you exist within the energies of your Presence. He pulls away slowly, and really he does not have to pull away at all. You can anchor him and the Blessed Mother into your hearts; many already do. There are many trees within the garden of God but they all anchor into the divine monad. It is the heart of God, of creation. Another way of understanding it is that it is the light from Source. Some called it the big bang. It is where all oneness is experienced.

The minds that we hold on earth are somewhat limited. The concepts and the words that we have cannot fully begin to explain what exists beyond these levels of light: to begin to harness the energy of the Pink Ray and that of the Blue Ray and the Violet Ray. If you don’t understand it, just ask God to lift you up into the purest of energies in balance and in harmony. There are many saints and masters who have gone before and used other words, find the words or the mantra that means something to you, that opens you up to your soul’s light, and drink of that light, of that energy, of that sound current, of that frequency and create order in your lives. The universe is made up of a sound frequency, a current of light like of the heartbeat of a mother to its child. Each one of you is known within the mind of God, and you need to trust that and in prayer and in meditation there is a current of energy that you can follow upward and it begins to bring you in. That is when you begin to experience the oneness, the knowing, and divine love. That is why Master Jesus came into embodiment on earth to be that example to be that anchoring for so many people. This is what Buddha is for the Buddhist and Krishna is for the Hindus. Whatever belief system, whatever master is that anchors for you then hold onto their arm until you can stand up for yourself. There is great love in the heavens for those on earth. I am the Immaculate Virgin Mary.

At this time Master Hilarion, who was St. Paul the Apostle and is the master of the healing ray is gracing each person and with Fifth Ray energies which are very important. The Emerald-green Ray is not only for healing but also for making things happen and bringing things into manifestation. The journey begins with each one of you, with each one of you saying that you are ready to know God, to know yourselves as God, to know your place within your Presence. Jesus the Cosmic Christ wants to end this meeting tonight with each one of you saying “I Am the Christ and the Christ is within me” and really accepting that on all levels because that is your divine blueprint and that is how you will harness all of the energies of love, of what divine love is. Mother Mary is going to remain with each one of you as will Jesus for those who ask him to remain. For those who are asking Maitreya to remain with them he will remain with them.

If you keep your heart open to him, this is really meant to be a joyful experience. That is what the sacrament was intended to be; it was intended to be for him to enter into your heart and to be filled with the Christ mind and the Christ energies and the Christ heart. There really is no separation. We (mankind) put up separation; it is not going on in their end. That is why he appears in those pictures as knocking at your door. That is what he is doing; he is knocking at your door, “let me in.” There is a lot of symbolism in our culture and this is really what is meant by blending with the Christ Oversoul, the Christ Mind. The journey of love and light is before each one of you. It does not have to be the journey to the cross. We are much better filtered in this lifetime. It was an era of radical beliefs but certainly that is not the case in this life although we tend to feel like outcasts but at least no one is burning us at the stake this time around, although sometimes it feels that way.

Stay with the energies tonight because Metatron is with each person and if you have an opportunity to stay within the frequency or the heart of the Divine Mother. Wherever it is that you have placed yourself, continue to breathe in that light and energy. May grace be upon each one of you. If you have an altar at your house, it doesn’t have to be a wafer or a host but there could be some way that you share a sacrament with him or the blood the Christ. It doesn’t have to necessarily be wine or a host or bread but just hold that intention of allowing him to embrace you or to enter into your heart. It could even be with Archangel Michael if that is the one that you want, but that is what it is. You are inviting them into you.

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