A message from Master Djwhal Khul on the Rays:
Working with the rays is a great blessing for inherent within creating and building a relationship with the Rays is that within the framework of the Rays you will come to know more of your Great Self. As you come to know more of Thyself, you will come to cherish your Grand Self and to link with the other Selves in cooperation and communion and together trace the origin and nature of yourself back to GOD. You are yourself a ray of GOD for all is emanated from that field of fields that is Sourced from an energy Source that you cannot even imagine.
Although you nor I can truly "Image" GOD, we can be thankful that GOD can be experienced as a portion of the ALL that is experienceable within inside. You see, all is linked up in a network of light that is not separate at all, but is completely joined in a dynamic and dramatic dance of light. It is for those on Earth to connect the dots, so to speak. To retrace their steps as they moved into Creation from that Field of GOD and to finally see and know, consciously, that the dots are all connected. Most importantly, it is foremost that each creation of GOD come to real-ize this inseparable nature of GOD and all GOD’s creation by having a living, day to day, minute to minu
te experience of this connection that is REAL to you. By you I mean all aspects of you. And as you are on Earth and as Earth is in Heaven and all is connected, you, in your present body, on your present Earth, can have the experience and the knowledge of the science of the Rays made available in order to facilitate the personality-you coming into balance and realizing God on Earth. In truth your monad already knows. The Great I AM that you are is already a Master. It is for the rest of you to join, dot to dot, so to speak, and allow the Great I AM that you are to lead the way and direct the greatest show on Earth, your showing as a Master unfolding and coming forth in fullness on the Earth at this time, in the body, on the Earth, NOW. And at the pinnacle of emergence into a Golden Era.
The Rays will help you to know yourself. They are part of you and you are part of them in the view of oneness. They are from GOD. Everything in Melchizedek’s universe is alive and has intelligence. The rays are vibrations or frequencies of GOD with intelligence. They each have a slightly different function and pattern or frequency of energy, but they are, in truth, blended like a rainbow. You do not take one arc off the rainbow, but see the whole rainbow as a unit. Yes? It is perfect and vibrant. And no arc is greater than or lesser than any other. It is the same with the rays. They are already blended together in oneness, as you are with all of your bodies and with everything in God’s infinite universe. All is in oneness. So no separative thinking about the rays! No judgment on any of them! They are all spiritual and they all come from GOD. How could it be otherwise? But from them come slightly different perspectives, principles. In fact ,they are like looking at GOD from different angles. From these principles the many traditions and tribes stemmed forth but that is another story.
Anyway, these abstract angles, perspectives, points of view, or vibrations of God are made manifest by Light Rays. And as the rays themselves are alive and carry intelligence, other divine intelligences in God’s Infinite Universe guide the action of the rays. Interesting enough three lines of evolution carry in the properties, if you will, of the divine rays. These fibers of intelligence are carried and supplied to the worlds of form by the Great Elohim who build the worlds and are considered Creator Gods and Creator Goddesses. This is the highest point of the elemental line of evolution. They are also conveyed forward by the Archangels who stream in the virtues, the essence of the rays. And the human line of evolution also participates in evolving GOD’s rays onto a planet. The Masters or Chohans of the Rays hold the door open at each ashram of the Christ overseeing a particular ray. So all three lines of evolution are guides for the activity and power of the rays.
Oh, yes, Beloved ones, there are more than seven rays! In fact it was an earlier time when Earth itself was enveloped in the twelve, before it became the seven. Many veils were pinned up within the history of Earth’s evolutions and the rays had a part to play in that as well. But, as you well may know, the higher rays are now available once more to Earth. And there are rays that have never moved upon Earth’s surface and atmosphere that are poised and prepared to be guided into your world. All is at a very perfect point from my perspective.
The purpose of this little dialogue is to courage the readers on this website to work consciously with the rays for balance and understanding. They are there for you. You can invoke them as you do any master or angel. Or you can call forth to masters, archangels, or even Elohim that you know are associated with each ray. Just know that the rays themselves can be summoned forth. Just call them in and add unto yourself that which you need. Know however, dear ones, that although certain rays are more dominant within your structure, all of them are available to you and, indeed, all are moving within a space around you, to some extent. For that is the design of GOD that all be linked and unbroken.
I shall give to you a method for calling in and calling on the seven rays. Perhaps it is that I will design a sample invocation to be used as a guideline for those who are just now getting back into the flow of invocation. Recovering the lost art and act of invocation.
For the First Ray, one may choose to say:
I call forth the energy of the First Ray of Power, Protection, Faith, and Will. I ask that I be imbued with the qualities of this majestic ray. That my will would be aligned with the Will of God. That I would feel the Power of the wind in my sails enabling me to go forward in life empowered by the divine within and without. I ask for Personal Power and Decisive energy. I ask for the qualities of Steadfastness, Courage and Strength. I also ask for the Sword of Truth and Clarity to cut through all the untruths. In all things I ask that love destroy fear and that fearlessness become my quality as I go forth in self-mastery as a Christ working within the energies of balance within the First Ray. I call forth to Archangels Michael and Faith…The Elohim Hercules and Amazonia…the Chohan of the First Ray, El Morya…
For the Second Ray, one may choose to say:
I call forth the energy of the Second Ray of Love and Wisdom, the ray of Illumination, insight, and enlightenment. I ask that I be imbued with the qualities of this majestic ray. May I give Understanding and Wisdom through Love. I ask for the qualities of Service, of Comprehension, of Constant Application of the Light. I ask for help to Pursue Truth, Become wisdom and Radiate love. I ask to heal separation through wisdom, through the teachings of my heart. I ask for an ignition of Intuition and an opening of the heart so that may come into the stable and serene love that allows and yet attracts and is ready to illuminate. May the qualities of this ray be mine as I go forth in self-mastery as a Christ working within the energies of balance within the Second Ray. I call forth to Archangels Jophiel and Christine, known as Constance…The Elohim Apollo and Lumina…the Chohan of the Second Ray, Master Kuthumi…
For the Third Ray, one may choose to say:
I call forth the energy of the Third Ray of Active and Creative Intelligence. I ask that I be imbued with the qualities of this majestic ray. That this ray of adoration, gratitude, and divine love that moves love into action move my love into organized and concentrated activity in association with the Divine Plan. I ask for the power to manifest through service my visions and ideas in order to stimulate the minds of others to turn the gaze toward God and to establish a tangible manifestation of my love. I ask for Perseverance, Creative Development of ideas, Imagination, Independence, Logic and Focus. I ask for the gift of these great qualities or organization to serve me as I go forth in self-mastery as a Christ working within the energies of balance within the Third Ray. I call forth to Archangels Chamuel and Charity…The Elohim Heros and Amora…the Chohan of the Third Ray, Serapis Bey…
For the Fourth Ray, one may choose to say:
I call forth the energy of The Fourth Ray of Harmony. I ask that I be imbued with the qualities of this majestic ray. That I would seek harmony in all that I do and seek to express The one Most High in all activity and thought. I ask for the creative flow that is connected to Nature and Earth as well as Heaven to be alive in me, that I might express the divine flow of life as it moves through me. I ask for the qualities of purity, of hope, and of resurrection to help me to lift and balance and restore the Divine Plan on Earth and for myself. I ask to bring forth the beauty and perfection of Nature and of God. In all things I ask that divine perception and true affection be present and become my qualities as I go forth in self-mastery as a Christ working within the energies of balance within the Fourth Ray. I call forth to Archangels Gabriel and Hope…The Elohim Purity and Astrea…the Chohan of the Fourth Ray, Paul the Venetian…
For the Fifth Ray, one may choose to say:
I call forth the energy of the Fifth Ray of Concrete Science and Healing. I ask that I be imbued with the qualities of this majestic ray. I ask for the ability to hold a Concentration of Intellect that would outpicture myself as a blossoming Christ. I ask for the pursuit of the deep core purpose of life and for the gift to be able to draw forth the geometry of life researched within the microcosm of self within the macrocosm of the Infinite Self. I ask for the qualities of Intellectual Pursuit, Concentration, Thorough and Sustained Focus, as well as the Understanding of Form and the nature of Healing. I ask for the qualities of Justice, Accuracy, as well as Independence and Unconditional Love. May I go forth into the Heart of All that Matters as I go forth in self-mastery as a Christ working within the energies of balance within the Fifth Ray. I call forth to Archangels Raphael and Mary…The Elohim Cyclopia and Virginia…the Chohan of the Fifth Ray, Master Hilarion and Lady Celeste…
For the Sixth Ray, one may choose to say:
I call forth the energy of the Sixth Ray of Devotion, Reverence and Ministration. I ask that I be imbued with the qualities of this majestic ray. That I might seek to make real the ideal. That I might minister to others as a guardian angel. I ask for Forgiveness, Mercy, Grace, and the energy of spiritual nourishment and worship. I also ask to embody Peace, one-pointedness and Love that is Loyal and True. In all things I ask that Grace and Devotion to God, the Masters and Angels and humanity become my quality as I go forth in self-mastery as a Christ working within the energies of balance within the Sixth Ray. I call forth to Archangels Uriel and Aurora Grace…The Elohim Peace and Aloha…the Chohans of the Sixth Ray, Lady Nada and Lord Sananda…
For the Seventh Ray, one may choose to say:
I call forth the energy of the Seventh Ray of Freedom, Ordered and Ceremonial Service, Directed Energy of Ritual and Magic. I ask that I be imbued with the qualities of this majestic ray. That I incorporate the embrace of transformation, invocation, and transmutation. I ask for the qualities of Organization, Courage, Dignity, Unity, Cooperation, Re-structuring, and Self-Reliance. I also ask to structure in the next Golden Age by developing the Ideal Blueprint for Manifestation of the Golden Era approaching. I ask to be disciplined and noble within a balance that honors true freedom that unfolds within the magic of transforming fear into love as I go forth in self-mastery as a Christ working within the energies of balance within the Seventh Ray. call forth to Archangels Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst…The Elohim Arcturus and Victoria…the Chohans of the Seventh Ray St. Germain and Lady Portia…
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