Only a Short Time to 'Raise the Vibration of Light'
May 14, 2003 From Melchizedek
Channeled by Nasrin
My dear hearts, I am Melchizedek. As your Universal Logos, I speak on behalf of all the
systems within your universe when I say to you that this time is of great essence and of great
importance in the history of your entire universe. This is a turning point. This is a point where
many star systems, galaxies and systems of universes are moving in a direction of spiritual
elevation and evolution.
For this reason, and in order to serve the light, that which is not of light is called to return to
light and that which refuses to return to light is moved further and further away from the centers
of the light, to the recesses and the corners of the vast conglomerate of star systems and galaxies
that make our universe and in the spaces between the universes where there is nothing but
As these forces move away from the centers of light, the centers are filled much like a cup of
nectar with greater light, and the greater light will assist in the elevation of these centers to
the next level of spiritual evolution.
While all of this is in progress, you must understand your own position in terms of direction
and placing of your planet, your solar system, your galaxy within our universe and our position
as a universe amongst other universal bodies and in relation to the cosmos and the central Sun
for our cosmos.
If you were to think of all these various systems, spirals of light that sit one next to another
around a central force-field, a sphere of light which we call the great central Sun of our cosmos,
that would be the core of light and the highest illumination of light that any soul could ever
Around that central sphere of light, which is the cosmic central Sun, are systems of the cosmos.
Around the cosmic systems are systems of omniverses. Around the multitudes of omniverses
are systems of universes. Around the systems of universes are systems of galaxies. Around
the systems of galaxies are solar systems. Within each of those solar systems are planetary
systems. Your planet within its own solar system is a very small system within a very small
galaxy within a very small system of galaxies that make our universe, and we are at the edge,
one of the edges of this cosmic multitude of light.
This complex picture that I have presented to you is evolving in the direction of greater light,
and as the core of this light in the central Sun of the cosmos beams out greater beacons of light,
that which is of lower light ripples away from the center and in the direction of the periphery.
As the beams of light from the central core reach out to the peripheries, that which is of lower
light goes further and further into the recesses of the spaces between galaxies, solar systems
and planets.
Right now lower light and lack of light is being chased fully and completely out of these
universal cosmic galactic and planetary systems. What is no longer serving the light has to
come to the surface and either merge and join the light or be destroyed by light. Even in its
destruction through the light, it returns to the light.
Even in the odd occasion where forces have become so dim that hardly any light can be
reached to them, they have an opportunity to return to the light. Even in their annihilation,
they return to the light. Nothing ever is destroyed to nothingness. Everything returns to the
light. Even in destruction, there is the return journey to the light.
You may not be aware of this fact, but just as matter changes form and becomes energy,
moving from form to non-form, darkness can change its dense form as dark matter and
become pure light.
What your scientists have termed black holes are vortices of light pulling the dark forces into
their core, turning them back into the light and returning them back into the universal systems.
In the other side of every black hole there is a light hole. The unfortunate ironic truth is that
your scientists have not yet invented gadgets and technology that can measure matter moving
through the dark hole and coming out the other end as light.
Your present telescopes and various mechanical instruments are not capable of measuring the
mass of the dark forces that enter into dark holes and turn into the mass of the universal force
as light. Light is always lighter in weight than darkness, just as a body filled with pain feels
heavier than a body filled with light and joy.
Your scientists in their measurements have found out that in order for this entire universe to be
standing on its own, there has to be greater mass somewhere to hold it all together. What they
do not know how to achieve is to measure the light and to measure mass-less matter. So far,
technology can only measure mass, and it is incapable of measuring mass-less matter. For this
reason, in all their equations, there seems to be mass missing. There seems to be inequality
between masses and forces of gravity. There is a question of how can it possibly continue in
an orderly fashion where there seems to be mass missing. The missing mass is light.
Light does not have mass in its purest form. It doesn’t have form either. For those of you who
know how to travel the realms of light, you have already noticed that when you are approached
by beings of light, they do not have physical bodies. Their entire force field is a mass of light or
even a point of light. But that point of light is so intense in the beings of light that it vibrates
throughout your field [and] you feel the vibration as blinding light. And sometimes you have to
protect yourself from the blinding force of that light.
This you have learned from your scriptures and the description of the holy sainted beings who
have attained so much light that merely looking at them would make your eyes hurt. This you
know from looking into the mass of your Sun, the most enlightened and illuminated body of
light that is available to you within your own solar system.
You know that it is dangerous for you to look into the center of your Sun with your naked eye.
The light can blind you. The light can be intense. The light sends out such intense beams that it
can fry you to a crisp. It can burn your body made of physical matter because the vibration of
light is of much higher intensity than the vibration of your bodies made of matter.
The analogy would be that a crystalline structure such as a diamond is a rock but its molecules
vibrate so fast that it becomes clear and sends out beams of light that you can demonstrate
kaleidoscopic light shows with it. Another piece of rock from the similar family of beings [is]
your river rock. The river rock is only different from a piece of diamond in that it is vibrating
at molecular structure to a much lower vibration of light. Otherwise they are both pieces of rock.
One of them you have to throw into a glass window to break it. The other one, you merely
scratch the glass window and it will make you a clean cut and break the window for you. one
of them has its power focused on merely sending its beam out. The other one has its power
in the force of its mass. Which one is more potent and powerful? Obviously, the piece of
diamond which [by] merely scratching the surface of the glass, it can cut the glass to its core.
In the same way, light can penetrate into the depth of darkness and as the dispensation has
gone out from the heart core of this central Sun of this cosmos, which is the most intense and
pure light essence you can find in this entire cosmic system, the light is beamed out to all the
recesses of your entire cosmic system, from omniverses to universes, to galaxies, to solar
systems, to planets and to the spaces in between.
All that is of lower light is running away. on its Journey outward running away from the sun
it has already moved into your various systems because location-wise, you are sitting at the
edges of all of these systems. You must shake yourselves off of these energies. You must clean
your planet, your spirit bodies, your physical bodies, your emotional bodies, your mental bodies
and the mental bodies of all other kingdoms that reside alongside of you from all these dark
and negative forces.
Because you are given the guardianship of this planet, all other kingdoms are under your
command-- the animal kingdom, which consists of all the animals, birds and all those residing
in the seas; the plant kingdom which means all the flowers, every blade of grass, all species
of trees and everything that grows with roots and trunks and leaves; and the mineral kingdom
which goes from the river rock to the diamonds to the precious stones to semi-precious stones,
to not-at-all precious stones to the near sand that you would make glass with or the sand you
would mix with mortar and build your houses.
It is your job and your responsibility to be the guardian of these kingdoms and to clear and
cleanse these kingdoms from all harm, all darkness, all negativity and all pain. In order to do so,
you must vibrate yourselves, your bodies, your consciousness, your beings, your minds and your
emotions to a higher vibration of light so that you can then beam out this light to all around you
and to clear and cleanse all the kingdoms that are given in your guardianship with your light.
Those of you who call yourselves Light Workers are such beacons of light. You have accepted
a responsibility greater than the masses. You as the elite and the chosen ones, who have made
an offering and a sacrifice of your time in service are responsible to assist all others and the three
kingdoms to relieve themselves of all dross and negativity and to move in the direction of light.
You are the spearheads. You are the beacons. You are the antenna that transmits the light from
the heart of the solar system, the heart which goes into the solar system from the heart of the
cosmic Sun. The Sun is now sending higher vibrations of light to your planet. The other planets
that are more highly evolved in your solar system are now filtering the light from the Sun,
ingesting it, changing it, making it absorbable by you on Planet Earth.
Your beloved Mother Earth is now changing her own heartbeat and because of that, the
weather patterns are changing. Because of that, the human emotions are changing. Your moon,
which is the feminine energy, also is filtering the vibrations that come from the Sun and the solar
system and the planets that are higher evolved than you are, and sending that filtered light to you.
You have had an unprecedented number of solar and lunar eclipses that have left their marks
on your bodies and on the bodies of all the kingdoms as well as the body of your Mother Earth,
the planet. These marks are signs of change. After the impact of these solar and lunar eclipses,
weather changes come in extreme forces. The emotional cleansing of Mother Earth is becoming
more and more obvious. These cleansing rituals will continue, becoming more and more forceful,
giving you an opportunity to assist the process of cleansing and relieving yourself and your
planet and all the three kingdoms of your planet of all darkness and sinister forces.
Instead of going into fear, moving into panic, going into depression, fearing the worst, the time
is now to rise above the expectations and surprise the entire universe with your light, with your
discipline, with your discipleship of light, with your obedience to light, with your surrender to
light, with your willingness to serve the light, with your joy in becoming the light, with your zest
for embodying greater light and for your joining in the evolution in light with all your brothers
and sisters of planetary and universal and cosmic systems.
As your Universal Logos, as the guardian for this entire universe, I offer you the Brotherhoods
and the Sisterhoods of Melchizadek Light in assistance. I offer you the Brotherhoods and the
Sisterhoods of the White Lodge, which consists of the Ascended Masters who have attained the
highest degrees of light. I offer you the greatest and purest elevation of light. I offer you
guidance and assistance to move in the direction of vibrating higher light. I offer you an
opportunity to raise your own quotient of light.
In order for you to move direction and join the rest of the universe in moving to the core, the
quotient of light must increase. The planet and all souls must raise their vibration of light to a
higher elevation. Otherwise, the great light that is being beamed out from the central core of
the central Sun of this cosmos will be so intense and so great that it will burn you to a crisp.
In your own solar system, your planet is one who is lagging behind. Besides you, there is only
one living existing planet that has not made the move to raise its quotient of light to comply
with and to pulse in rhythm with the cosmic heartbeat. Other planets in your solar system who
have refused in the great history of the eons in the past have become extinct.
There are telltale signs of the existence of those planets in your solar system whereby the
scientists have been able to detect the signs and to believe that there must have been other
masses and forces creating the energy of a planetary system that must have become extinct
over time. The reason for their extinction is their refusal to accept the light and to begin to
raise their vibration of light to bring the rhythm of the pulse and heartbeat equal to the pulse
and heartbeat of other solar planetary galactic bodies.
Because of this, great deal of attention is given to your planet. A great deal of assistance is
given to your planet. A great many dispensations have been issued from many levels, directing
the pure white light to your planet through the solar system, through the galactic core, through
the universal core, through the cosmic core to raise your vibration in the fastest and the most
light-effective way.
What stands in the way of your attaining this light is your consciousness. Not the consciousness
of the Planet because she has already consented, even requested, even supplicated to receive
this light. The only one whose consciousness has not attained the full conformity, has not come
to full obedience of light and the universal and cosmic laws is the consciousness of humankind.
We need more of you Light Workers to open your hearts, to offer your lives in service of
awakening other souls to join the light. As with anything that abides the normal laws of your
planet and this system of planets, once you achieve critical mass, the rocket boost of the
formation of the mass will take the rest of humanity and the Earth with it.
The question is: How fast can we achieve critical mass in raising the vibration of light through
the Light Workers? We have a short time in order to catch up to the rest of our systems. We
have a short time in order to catch up with the wishes and the desires of our planet Mother
Many of the dimensions of reality that have been experienced in linear time on your planet have
already folded upon themselves or joined the light. one dimension of reality which is lagging
behind is yours, the one that you are experiencing, your physical reality.
The forces of light that are held within the realm of the Ascended Masters and Mistresses of
Light are doing everything in their power to assist you, to hold you in a tunnel of light, to create
a vacuum of light around you for the changes that are imminent and for the beams of light that
are about to hit your planet to be filtered in order not to burn you out.
Many of the Masters and Mistresses of Light come through Light Workers such as yourself,
channeling light, channeling healing, channeling wisdom, channeling higher vibrations,
channeling light energies, anchoring light vibrations. All of this is happening with great force,
hope, joy, celebration.
I want to see you join us in this celebration. I want to be the father, the mother that has the joy
of seeing my children graduate in light. I want to celebrate your glory on your return journey to
light. I bring you this discourse to remind you that it is your divine right to be returned to the
light, light of its purest and brightest essence.
Rise, my Children, join me. Run to me. Give me permission to assist you. Call upon me.
Call upon the Sisterhoods and Brotherhoods of Melchizadek and Lady Melachi Join the Ascended
Masters and Mistresses of Light. Will yourself to attain the mastery necessary to make you
attain the merit of rubbing shoulders with Ascended Masters and Mistresses of Light. Will
yourself to be light. Will yourself to love light, to choose light. Will yourself to bring light
to Earth. Decree this light to be penetrated through all the kingdoms for which you have
been given the guardianship.
You, my beloved children who are Light Workers, are our only hope. You are the light in
my eyes. You are the beams of light that shine forth from the heart of the cosmic Sun, the
Undifferentiated Source, in the heart core of our cosmos. You are the ones who have been
called to service.
Heed our call. Serve the light. Awaken other souls. Come to the rescue. Relieve the three
kingdoms of all darkness and dross. Let go of pain and suffering. Surrender to the light. Obey
the light. Serve the light. Love the light. Become the light. Shine the light. Be the antenna.
Transmit the light. Transmute darkness. Relieve your planet from darkness. Hold her up to
the light. Send her to where she belongs amongst her brothers and sisters in light. And through
that, you will give her the opportunity to ascend and move in the light and you will give your
own brothers and sisters, the masses, the humankind the opportunity to awaken to the light.
You yourselves will be rewarded a thousand fold, a million fold. You will be rewarded from
eternity to eternity.
May the light bless you from eternity to eternity. I am your father Melchizedek.
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