Beautiful Beings

Dolphins Healing Blessings

namaste123 2014. 2. 15. 00:22


Healing Blessings... from Dolphins

There is always something fascinating and timeless in the beauty of dolphins 
at play. Even though these dolphins are in captivity, they seem to be having fun 
blowing their own bubbles and creating new bubbles from them. 

How could anyone possibly think that the animal kingdom could be devoid of 
consciousness. For more on the healing power of dolphins, recommend watching 
Scott Taylor's interview about 'Dolphin Therapy' for autistic children

The Cetaceans of the Planet and the Sirius Connection

The Cetacean family of Planet Earth, which includes the Dolphins and the Whales, 
is much older than the Human Family. They are more evolved and have lived in the Higher 
Dimensions while humans fell into the Third. It is their pleasure and their mission to assist 
humans to climb the dimensions back to the Sixth. 

The Dolphins and the Whales originate from Sirius. They are Starseeds who have come 
to the Planet to work with us as teachers and healers.

The Cetacean family of Planet Earth, which includes the Dolphins and the Whales, is much 
older than the Human Family. They are more evolved and have lived in the Higher Dimensions 
while humans fell into the Third. It is their pleasure and their mission to assist humans to climb 
the dimensions back to the Sixth. 

The Dolphins and the Whales originate from Sirius. They are Starseeds who have come to 
the Planet to work with us as teachers and healers.

Dolphins, especially, are masters of Sonic healing, and there are many accounts of humans 

being healed by encounters with dolphins. Dolphins also radiate Joy, and those who connect 

with them often pick up their Joy and Happiness. 

But Dolphins have a way of pulling humans into Higher Dimensional Spaces of Peace and 

Heightened Awareness. I have heard many stories of people who have had significant and 

synchronous events happen to them after contact with Dolphins or even just the Dolphin 


Dolphins are teachers of Higher Consciousness and Awareness. From them humans can 

learn how to be in Sixth Dimensional or Holographic Time and Space.

Whales, on the other hand, are keepers of the Planetary Akasha or DNA records and they 

work to maintain the Oceanic Crystal grids, with help from the Dolphins. Their Whale Songs 

have the function of transmitting Stellar information and Codes into the Ocean Grids. 

Since March 5th, they have begun working to link the Oceanic Grids with the Land Grids, 

to accelerate the evolution of consciousness among Humans.