
Almine: Stages of Ascension

namaste123 2023. 2. 22. 01:23


The Stages of Ascension 
by Susan Barber

Almine Barton has been called one of the most remarkable mystics of our time" and one of the best Spiritual Teachers that has surfaced" in the past millennium. She offers ascension information gleaned through her own personal work in this sacred journey of life. Speaking with Almine was an incredible experience. I can only hope that even a fraction of her gentleness, compassion, and wisdom shines through in what's written here.

Susan: Could you define ascension for us please?

Almine: We group a lot of things under that word. 
For me, true ascension happens when someone manages to vibrate their frequency to what is the God Mind of the planet. That is where the Ascended Masters are, or the Brotherhood of Light. Whatever one wants to call them, they are those who have overcome all things while in the flesh. In true ascension, I believe we vibrate in the upper Sixth Dimension.

Then there is Cosmic Ascension. That is when the entire Cosmos is moving toward a turning point where the outbreath of God becomes the inbreath of God.

What most of the New Age community is speaking of now is what could be called Planetary ascension. This is where a segment of the population vibrates in Fourth Dimensional reality. And it does look to me as though it's going to be only a segment, because I'm being told that there will be a segment left behind.

I asked a question about this and the answer came in a dream. In this dream, I was walking around in a supermarket where everyone was interacting, but some of the people could not see the others. Some of the shoppers were in their own world and did not realize that others were moving amongst them.

That dream was not necessarily a vision, but it did indicate to me that the biblical prophecy will be fulfilled, where Jesus said that if two were sleeping in a bed, on that night one would be taken and one would remain.

For those who are vibrating up into the Fourth Dimension, I think they will simply find that life is changing for the better. 
I find myself that some days I wake up and every object — trees, earth, rocks — is vibrating at a new level, singing a new song. This new song is also mentioned in the bible, in Revelations. If we can move up gradually and successfully, we may not even realize that the change has happened.

Susan: Drunvalo feels that the change has already happened and we can't see it because there's a veil.

Almine: I think so, too, except I don't believe we've made it all the way. It's my belief that we've made the first overtones to get to where the bulk of us will be residing. But when we have fully arrived, light will look different. It will look as though things are lit from within. No shadows.

one thing that is happening that indicates we have indeed moved up quite a bit is the shorter gap between thought and manifestation. If people just understood how this works, we could really prevent a lot of accidents. When we have this realization, we can create everything more consciously.

Susan: How can we move more gracefully through the changes that are happening?

Almine: There are awarenesses we need to work on in order to minimize the effect of the destructuring of life as we know it.

The first aspect of this awareness has to do with letting go of the need to control things physically. This releases the energy from the left brain into the right brain, where it will be needed.

You see, all energy that is available to us as human beings is initially sucked up by the left brain. only excess energy goes to the right brain. And yet the right brain accesses most of what can be known by surface mind.

Since "consciousness" really refers to how much we can know at once, and since changes are going to be happening very rapidly, if we use the left brain to deal with this, it will take up all the energy that is available. We need to set that energy free so that we can access and be aware with right brain.

We need right brain consciousness to navigate through the basic mindfield that lies ahead of us between now and when the planet moves up. Each step of the way was designed by our Higher Self, and moving through the steps requires that we surrender to the process.

For example, it might be that one day, at the drop of a hat, we are called upon to pack our suitcase and move to Kentucky. We couldn't receive that directive with the left brain, because the left brain deals only with what is known. Right brain deals with that which is unknown, and that includes our inner guidance.

Resisting reality takes energy from the part that pays attention to our guidance system. Our guidance system will come online only when we cease to resist.

Secondly, we need to do the hard, inner emotional work.

There is a dramatic split happening between lightworkers right now. Some of them do not want to do the emotional work. I see people sitting in classes, taking notes, who are going from one teacher to another but not actually taking the time to do the work that would release the constrictions in their energy fields.

Susan: How is this work done?

Almine: It has to do with what I call "unyielded perceptions."

To explain this, let's say we had an enormously traumatic event that happened when we were ten. Today, we are sweeping it under the carpet, and focusing instead on these wonderful metaphysical concepts.

But we will find, if we look, that there are echoes of that event throughout our life. These echoes have happened periodically. Seeing them is a little bit like tracking a whale. You can see where the whale is going by noticing the little oil slicks they leave. These are brighter the closer they are to the whale, but you can follow the tracks back. The echoes get fainter, but the tracks are still there.

The echoes of "unyielded perceptions" — events that have not yielded to us the gift that is in them — may seem faint the further back we go into the past, but the tracks are there, occurring in a cyclical pattern throughout our lives.

We have to go back to the original event, following its thread through the labyrinth of experience, seeing it through our eyes and through the eyes of the other person or people who were involved, until we get the insights, the lessons, the mirrors — the gifts. And until we sit down and do the work and cry the tears, the event will not yield up its gifts.

Unyielded perceptions manifest in the body as emotional, physical, and astral constrictions that block the flow of universal energy. That's what karma is, blockage in the flow of universal energy. When we do the inner work, these blocks are released.

Susan: Are there other ways to release karma?

Almine: Other than through the inner work, the main method is the old two-by-four-between-the-eyebrows. The cycles become more insistent as time goes on until we are forced to achieve insight.

The third means of erasing karma is through what is called "grace."

Grace can happen by being in the presence of someone who has made the transition from ego identification to God consciousness. I think this has a physical basis. The God-conscious teacher is producing a lot of neutral particles, and these actually absorb illusion. Scientists are beginning to look at these particles. I have "seen" them, and realized that this is what is happening when we speak about grace.

Susan: What happens when we release the karma?

Almine: When people do the inner work — the hard stuff, not just sitting in class with the glamorous teachers but sitting at home and working through these things — the more they do it, the greater the silence within.

And since it is our internal dialogue that maintains our world, when we silence that dialogue through doing inner work, we truly become technicians of the hidden realms. We can go back and forth between different levels of frequency with ease. It's all done through the silencing of the internal dialogue.

At this stage, we are the observer.

Susan: What are the following stages of God consciousness?

Almine: In the next stage, we realize without a shadow of a doubt that there is no other being in the Cosmos except ourself.

It starts as a kind of lightning flash, where you know in a heartbeat that there is no being outside of yourself. It can be absolutely terrifying. I call it the Gobi Desert. In fact, some people who have done this and gotten stuck there have died of loneliness.

The terror that we experience at this stage is the terror of expansion and contraction. When that happened to me, either I would be so expanded that I couldn't find my body — like a little girl wanting her bottle — or I'd come back to my body and see this arm lying on my pillow and go, "Oh, my gosh, whose arm is this?" When that happened, the realization that it was my body and that I was in the body could become so claustrophobic that I would start to hyperventilate.

In this place, the emotions seem to be completely shut down. The voice becomes flatter. I love to sing, but I couldn't sing any more.

This place is the specific position of what the Toltecs call the assemblage point when it has moved down and is no longer lighting up the reality we are used to assembling. If we do not know what's hapenning and we resist, it can take eleven and a half years for the assemblage point to move back to the right point.

Until it does, we're not interested in any secular activities. We don't have any emotion. We can feel like a bucket of water that's just been emptied out on the floor. Completely empty.

But time has changed, and suddenly we find that we can see the purpose for everything. We're no longer on a straight line in time. We are in a place where time lies around us. We can see all the probable futures, and we can see the purpose for everything, which puts us into a state of compassion that is fascinating. We can allow everything, because we can see the complete reason for everything, even all the errors. We see the great value in density.

If we get through that stage, we begin to feel the emotion of the Infinite. What I did then — every day for a few minutes — was just allow the Cosmic Love to flow through my body. It's so intense, you can't maintain it for long or it will dissolve form. But every day, just for a few minutes, I would allow this Cosmic Love to flow around the Earth, all around the globe.

In this state, we are no-thing and also we are all things. When that is truly felt, everything moves through us, and the emotion of the Infinite is what follows. It's not a feeling, because feeling is just noncognitive information. And it's not really an emotion, because emotions are based on desire, and at this point all desire has left.

It is a frequency. It is a place of complete bliss.

When I went into this stage, there was nothing that could have pried me out of my house. But after a year of that, I realized I had not grown.

At earlier levels of consciousness, the greatest temptation is power. Here, the greatest temptation is to enter into the bliss and think this means we have arrived!

There is no point of arrival. There is only the journey. When we realize this, we can start to see that all portions of the journey are equally valuable. We can start to see the value of illusion, folly, density. Without these things there is no growth.

Susan: How did you come out of this stage?

Almine: I kept hearing a voice through my consciousness, saying "Live where the curved line and the straight line meet."

The voice said this over and over until I realized what it meant.

Consciousness moves. God consciousness expands forever and ever outward in a straight line. But human consciousness moves in a curved line.

So the edge of creation — the absolute edge where the known meets the unknown — is where that curve and straight line meet. In other words, I was being told to live in human consciousness while maintaining God consciousness. That was the instruction the voice was giving me.

We are here to solve the mystery of the Infinite Being. We exist where the solved mystery meets the yielded light. We're like the caterpillar that takes bites out of the leaf. We take bites out of the unknown and this translates back in the form of luminosity and yields power to the Infinite.

The most friction is where we meet the membrane that separates the known from the unknown.

Susan: How did you move to that place?

Almine: It was like moving from the center of a spider web out into the web itself. Or like tracing through the petals of the Rose Window that J.J. Hurtak describes, rather than remaining at the inner point.

In other words, I deliberately re-entered the human drama. This is a new stage, and it prepares us for the next one, where we are able to take the body and come and go with the speed of thought, living entirely beyond mortal boundaries.

In bliss, the body actually begins to decay. If we stay there, we will never get back to the drama. And it is only from there that we can achieve the stage that transcends mortal boundaries, where the flesh has become fully Divine.

Susan: What about the Eastern masters that stay in this state of bliss for a lifetime? Don't they have a purpose for doing that? Might they not be serving the entire Divine Plan by being there.

Almine: It's true. There are many purposes for being at this place and time in the Cosmos. The Buddhas, for example, have a mission to come back and incarnate as long as even one soul remains in illusion. And the Christ came for the specific purpose of establishing a grid around the planet that would enable us all to enter into God consciousness (that grid was fully created as of 1987).

For me, personally, I could not stay in the bliss because I had a roadmap I was creating whose purpose included living in human consciousness while retaining God consciousness.

I was a little bit like an actor who has remembered that he is not the play, but stays in character for the sake of mirroring learning to the audience.

In bliss, I walked off stage and could barely function. But when I came back on stage, I realized that this play was written for a purpose.

I know now that I am not the character, but I stay "in character" for the sake of completing the mirroring of insights to the audience.

The audience is the Dreamer of the Dream.

Susan: Could you speak a little more about the spider web, or the Rose Window?

Almine: These images are all about a map that lies over the consciousness of All That Is.

If I am speaking with you, I may be in the very center of that Rose Window or spider web. But if you ask me about something that might happen in the future, I will move out one level on the web, putting myself into Fourth Dimensional consciousness, which is where we're all moving to.

And if everybody leaves me alone and I have no duties for the next hour, I will dissolve into God consciousness and bliss.

The spider web or Rose Window are actually maps of frequency chambers that are a template for Creation. They map out a form of language that creates a sigel — a kind of symbol that precedes writing.

Here's an example of what I mean by a sigel. If you take the word Mikael and draw it up in a sigel, it would show that certain emphases are placed on certain frequency chambers, such that somebody who understands the frequencies of the Cosmos will clearly understand the meaning. Mi-ka-el takes consciousness (mi) through energy (ka) into matter (which is el).

Here's another one. Humankind's function is alchemy (el-ka-mi). We take matter (el) through the proper use of energy (ka) and transmute it into consciousness (mi).

The Rose Window maps out the frquency chambers that overlie the whole Earth. It's a mandala. If you underestand the Earth, you see in the Rose Window the severed DNA. You are looking at it from the top in terms of frequency chambers.

Susan: Many people who speak of ascension talk about needing to reactivate the DNA. Do you teach this?

Almine: Yes. Human DNA also needs to be brought to ascension. And we can do this two ways.

If we're left-brained, we're going to do it through perception — through enhancing perception, seeing behind appearances. When we do this, our DNA strands come online. There are twelve strands of DNA, but only two are normally visible. So we activate the other ten.

If we're right-brained, we're going to do it through devotion — through feeling love, grace, and gratitude. When we do this, the DNA frequency chambers eventually come online. We start to play the music of the spheres with our DNA.

So here's the trick. Increased perception creates devotion, and devotion creates increased perception. So even if we just focus on being grateful for everything in our day, activating the frequency chambers, suddenly we will have these insights — the DNA strands will activate. Or if we learn to "see," lighting up the ten strands that have been dormant, eventually we will find that we have activated the DNA frequency chambers.

So whether you first activate the frequency chambers or the strands, one affects the other.

Susan: What would you like to say to our readers in closing?

Almine: The work you are doing is greater than you know.

From the standpoint of separation consciousness, it does seem as though things are greatly out of order at this time. But that is as it should be, because our only reason for manifesting here, in this specific time and place in the Cosmos, was to learn the lessons that others didn't.

It makes our work easier when we realize that every overcoming we achieve, no matter how trivial, is of vast cosmic importance. This is true even when what appears on the physical level seems like failure.

For the outbreath of God is getting ready to move back into the inbreath. We are in the process of the Planetary Ascension, yes, but also Cosmic Ascension. And our civilizations cannot make the transition, for they have not learned their allotted lessons.

So we are doing it for them.

Q. What is this city of light you’ve been predicting would become visible and that would be the start of a sacred global government?   
A. It is referred to in Revelations as the ‘New Jerusalem’. Yes, the masters in my classes have been working with me for many years to bridge the gap between this reality and that in which the most Holy Mother of All Creation, with the Holy Father by her side, governs from Earth.

Q. Is it here on Earth? Have you seen it?  A. Yes to both questions.

Q. What will the “New Jerusalem” or Mother’s palace be like when it is visible to everyone? How will things be organized?  
A. The city is laid out in rings with landscaping in between them – a bit like spokes in a wheel. Mother, Father, and their children will inhabit the very centre. Around that will be their personal assistants such as the hundred thousand angels of the throne and the several hundred lords that Mother has called to perform personal service for Herself and Her family. In the garden in between these two rings are unicorns and Pegasus. The next ring out is the sacred government and those who administer governance not only to the rest of the planet, but also to the rest of the cosmos. Around this will be very high light-workers who have entered very high mastery or the god-kingdom, and there will be another ring beyond that for their families. The outer rings cannot move inwards, but the inner rings can move outwards.

Q. How tangible will this city be for everyone? Will it be the centre of the planet, and when do you foresee this occurring?  
A. I am happy to share my understanding with you, but the level we achieve by the time of its manifestation will largely determine the answer to this. It is said that once the city becomes visible, in an instant, the continents will move together and then the city will be in the centre of the continents.  Land will not be divided according to nationality but rather according to like frequencies gravitating together. There will be 12 main frequency groups among people on earth. Within each group will be a more proactive half and a more receptive half, pulsing as masculine and feminine poles.  

The goal is that it becomes visible to all life. If we had managed to manifest it at a lower level, this would not have been the case. My understanding is that the Mother will have palaces in several locations on Earth. The central palace where the government will be located we previously thought would be in the Hawaiian islands. Recently this predicted site moved to the North American continent. I am not sure whether it will stay there or not.  If we are patient enough and lay our foundation firmly enough, we should be able to get to a point where we can bridge the realities of this palace, which is currently already formed, to a very large extent through our physical reality. The goal is that we can see it, feel it, touch it, but I am not entirely sure if it will be so tangible to all levels of life.

Q. I feel my entire spiritual practice is one of service to the Mother, to the extent that sometimes I even feel a little bit resentful about how much I need to do. My service is certainly coming from my heart rather than from any unbalanced need, but I am still wondering if service as my only practice is unhealthy in some way. 
A. Yes, it is. Any service must be producing the pure frequencies of existence. If it does not, it is a hollow gift to the Mother. At times, an imbalance of work can rob us of its enjoyment but we also need to shed our old belief system that work has to be drudgery and cannot be satisfying.

Q. When one finds his or her perception of work entering into that of drudgery, what be done to alter that perception?  
A. As I have mentioned, it is a healthy practice to take time in the morning to either listen to inspirational music or sit in quietness and contemplation. Consider the blessing of work in terms of the flow of life it provides, the opportunity to interact with others, the ability to prove oneself to him or herself, to stretch one’s limits by seeing through the eyes of others or achieving a desired goal. It is impossible to be bored or in drudgery when new awareness is brought to each moment. 
Giving silent blessing for everyone in your environment, allowing power to pass from your hands and your eyes as you serve someone behind a counter. In practices such as these turn each working moment into a prayer. Cleaning dirty dishes from the table can be the proxy action of cleaning toxins out of the environment or pollution out of the ocean.  If human beings could but see how powerful working by proxy or pronouncing blessings truly is, they would be amazed at their own power. In other words, moments should be lived deliberately and powerfully.

Q. Often I wonder if I should be more strict with myself in this regard as I find myself making excuses like, I don’t have enough energy in this particular moment to shift into that kind of an attitude. Is it accurate to say that it takes energy to live in these states of praise and acknowledgment? 
A. It actually ties up energy not to. Energy becomes available for creating your own reality when your attitude allows you to become an open conduit.

Q. So what is the core illusion of that idea that we can’t shift our attitude in a particular moment?  
A. The core illusion is inertia. Inertia is a principle that has existed for so many eons that we find it, in many instances, as a belief system incasing us in prison bars. Inertia existed when progression was linear. This changed in August of 2006 when progression became exponential. This meant that it no longer took a long time to become something. Instead, if we bring enough intensity to one moment, it can be the equivalent of what would have taken years of growth. Understanding this makes living in the moment even more desirable. To live in the moment, one must be aware of the moment.

Q. So, how can we break the addiction of putting things off until another moment? 
A. It is important to have the self-discipline focus on what is before us. It is equally important to make sure that our time slots in our day honor rest and beingness as much as work and doingness. In finding this balance and doing the other things I have suggested, the attitude we are talking about will eventually become constantly present.

Q. How can I draw more energy into my life so that I can enjoy life more and give more praise, love, and gratitude to the Divine Mother? 
A. Until early in 2007, the Cosmos consisted primarily of the four directions: four vast frequency bands as described in Journey to the Heart of God. These frequency bands consisted of uniformity, socially lived as tribal life; diversity within uniformity, which entails codependency versus the dependency of the previous band; total diversity, as lived out in Western societies and expressing independence. 
The ideal was then to create a more advanced way of interacting together, unity within diversity, which is interdependency.  About midway through 2007, Mother eliminated the first three bands of compassion, or frequency bands, as reality within the cosmos. The growth in these bands was too slow. Unity within diversity as a vast frequency band of creation was kept. To this, Mother added autonomy, which is diversity within unity and implies being of one heart, even though each person pursues his or her own dream. Unity within diversity has one ideal, or one vision, while everyone brings different expressions to it. The third band to be put in place was Divine Sovereignty.

Understanding how to work within these bands is the key to all the energy one may need. At this time, Divine Sovereignty is a way of relating which is meant to be lived between all of Mother’s creations and Her as their primary relationship. Our first and foremost place of comfort, love, and energy comes from having Mother, who created all life, as our primary relationship.  How this is cultivated is by taking four to five weeks to learn how to bond with Mother in this most sacred relationship. To be in this relationship is a never-ending source of power and energy which rejuvenates the body and replenishes life: the key to immortality.  

When I first adopted my little girl, I carried her on my back during most of the hours in the day for three months. At other times, she sat on my lap. I wanted her to grow used to my frequency, to know of my love and the care that I am constantly prepared to give her. In other words, we had a bonding period. Take five weeks to bond with the Divine Mother, to establish this never ending source of energy and consciousness. Take twenty minutes in the morning to listen to music that makes you think of the most glorious divinity you can possibly imagine. 
This is the Mother. Play inspirational CDs in the car on the way to work. At work set a timer for every hour and half to two hours and when it goes off, take five minutes to think of beautiful things on Earth and how they reflect facets of the Divine Mother – in the unfolding of a lily, see the purity of Her heart. See her face in the glory of a sunset. At first, take the time to truly feel her every few hours until her presence becomes a song of love in your cells. This is the true secret of immortality and a never ending supply of perception, energy, and power.

Q. I continue to feel called to bear another immaculately conceived child. Can you tell me anything about the being and what I need to do to prepare the physical body so that the being is able to stay? 
A. Rather than attempt to anticipate an identity, it is best to simply leave it open ended, just requesting that a being of light comes in and trusting that the correct being to fulfill the correct purpose will be called. Many of the immaculate babies coming through are Gods and Goddesses with pre- designed positions they need to fill. The level of the child depends on the level of the mother, and generally, the children prefer to come into a body who that has reached God-consciousness or above. The members of the classes reach this within a week, and the body then begins to purify itself.

Q. How does one know if she is pregnant?  
A. It is difficult to know because an immaculate conception is not the same as a typical pregnancy. Not even pregnancy tests will verify it for many months.

Q. How long is the gestation period?  
A. Ten and a half months.

Q. Are these spirit babies or human babies?  
A. I see less evidence of spirit babies being conceived at this point. These are babies delivered by human mothers who are taken by angels to fulfill high purposes throughout the cosmos. Although the mothers go through labor pains and birthing process, to the normal eye these babies are invisible.
There are actual physical babies being immaculately conceived. As long as the mother has a womb, even for those who have gone through menopause, this is entirely possible. They will be birthed like any other child.

Q. How do we raise these babies differently?  
A. Avoid the social conditioning of television, with the exception of well chosen, inspirational videos.

Q. Is there anything different to be expected regarding the pregnancy?  
A. A lot more comfort and ease of birth.

Q. How do we nourish these babies, with food, vitamins, emotions?  
A. If they come in from a high level, vitamins will not work for them. However, high frequency food is what they will like the best. Lots of love is obviously essential.

Q. How do these babies wish to be birthed, in a hospital or with a midwife? 
A. If you feel comfortable with it, a midwife at home is definitely better.

Q. Why have all the references to Thoth in your books not been corrected since you became aware of his ‘true colors’, and what relevance to previous discussions of and with him still hold ? Furthermore, why would you still include his picture in Arubafarina.  
A. In advising me, the perpetrators always made sure that they gave me as much accurate information as they could. They justified their existence as much as possible by assisting to guide the cosmic enfoldment and imparting wisdom from the very top level from which my information was coming. The information that went into the revised Ring of Truth is as accurate as it possibly could be. The first edition had severe opposition and tampering during its publication. I was also distracted by the one week experience with the fairies which produced Arubafarina. As for the photos in that book, although they are, in the case of Thoth, photographs of those representing illusion, it is, nevertheless fascinating to be able to photograph between dimensions and valuable in loosening the grip of the ego.

Q. At our level, we play roles for the cosmos which are often quite unpleasant. Would it not be a more accurate expression of Mother to have our roles played out in completely joyful, loving and FUN ways: expressing predominantly all the frequencies and states of being etc that are now true. We need to set up the cosmos so that the perception givers in the cosmos enjoy their roles completely. Would you please ask Mother to make it so that role playing becomes fluid and Life enhancing in ALL ways?

A. There had to be a backup plan in case the descension went too far, which it did. This back up plan helped save the cosmos from plummeting into an irretrievable tailspin. It provided that the major cosmic pivot points, some of Mother and Father’s first children who are the leading gods and goddesses of the cosmos, would themselves become vehicles to transmute cosmic issues. This feature had to kick in and part of it was due to the inactivity of Mother’s feminine pieces (i.e., their unwittingly promotion of the drama by watching the ‘tv screen’ of existence, rooting for the good guys, but forgetting that they had a contract to help and thus not lifting a finger) as well as a flaw in the initial design. So all of these pivot points truly did become cosmic saviors. The Father himself became a 100 percent conduit for the cosmos. Without all of these sacrifices it would not have been possible for us to catch ourselves and reverse the plummet which was so rapid and so deep, turning it into ascension.   

At the beginning of November 2007, Mother changed this because there is no longer a chance of such a fall. Now these pivot point express 75% their own stuff (which is primarily those pure frequencies of Mother) and 25% cosmic stuff. This will continue to be the situation until the cosmos learns to take full self-responsibility. It is a weaning period.

Q. I feel the roles we play for the cosmos should be taken on and off like a hat; that we always see ourselves and are seen by others as the masters we are; that we always feel completely accepted and loved by ourselves ( autonomy ) and by Mother ( Divine Sovereignty ); that we function always from three minds in doing cosmic work, and that perception givers step out of roles fluidly and in a timely manner as the role is completed.  
A. It seems that what you are saying/asking is why can these things, these ideal ways of existing that we have discovered in our classes, not simply be written in The Book of Life as the way we DO exist now, rather than it being a struggle to get to this ideal…. All these things you mention HAVE been placed in The Book because everything we uncover IS put there, and the moment it is there, it is there for everyone. It’s just that when we are pulling along a cosmos where a huge portion of it didn’t ‘get it’, where another portion didn’t want to live that way, we’re dragging a lot of baggage.

Q. I feel this can sometimes seem like a double standard. It can feel hypocritical to go through certain issues telling myself it is not my stuff while possibly advising a friend that they may want to seriously look at the same or a similar issue. To whom does this scenario of working through stuff which is not one’s own apply?  
A. The major light-workers.

Q. So how does one know if he or she is a major lightworker?  
A. Let’s go through this: First, if you feel stuff you must really step away from it and ask, Is this what I am? A major lives introspectively enough to know the difference between what is theirs and what is not. Second, when people in your environment are mirroring the same thing, the way to heal that is by healing it within yourself. You heal it within yourself by first recognizing that there is nothing outside of yourself and second by loving that part of yourself which created what seems to be outside. A good explanation of this process can be found in a book by Joe Vitale called Zero Limits.

THE ASCENSION, by Cindi Wafstet August 2002

About every 2,000 years the energy around and in the earth "grows" to a peak. That last time this happened was in the period of the birth and death of Christ. The period lasts from 30-50 years. This one is the age of Aquarius, and began in 1963, basically about the time that Kennedy died. It's been growing every since, and will peak in 2012.

When Jesus was born, taught new ideas to people, and then died, there was a new awareness in the world. The same thing is happening now. It won't be the second coming of Christ, like the Christian churches teach, but new ideas and skills are taking hold of people; psychic abilities, past life memories, awareness of being starseeds and lightworkers. . Indigos are the newest "crop" of special people being born to help with this new ascension, lightworkers are waking up to their responsibilities of helping others adapt, people are learning about spirituality rather than religion, there will be a stronger connection between science and faith and a Higher Power.

It's been said that eventually there will be no crime because of the heightened psychic abilities of all people, no one will be able to lie and kill and hide... It's no accident that "New Age" ideas are becoming more popular; herbs, aromatherapy, crystals, Reiki... and Pagan belief systems as well. It's all part of the ascension, as is acceptance of life on other planets, UFO's, crop circles, Atlantis... it all fits in there The road to Ascension is taking the narrow path from Third Dimension reality (Planet Earth's Dimension) in to the [final] [link] destination- Fifth Dimension reality.

2012: Ascension As our bodies and consciousness reform into the light, thought, not physical action, will become our menu of the day. In this new mode, "etheric in reality" thoughts are more real than physical action - what you think is what you are for that moment. Since we are in the consciousness of the fourth dimension, we are etheric and exposed to all. Each of us will be like a television screen, projecting our thoughts for all to see and hear. No longer can you hide malice' avarice and greed, hate, lust, deceit, or dishonesty. The minute you think it, you become it.

Ascension is a step-by-step, level-by-level process. We ascend by clearing our emotional blockages one layer at a time. As each layer is cleared, we attain a new level of consciousness and understanding. We become compassionate with ourselves, and others in the area we just cleared. And though at times we feel that we have gone backwards because the same issue has once again presented itself, we have in fact just brought forward another layer to be cleared.

Each time we clear another layer and achieve compassion with the issue and people at hand, we change our DNA just a little more. Since our bodies are changing from a carbon based form to a crystalline based form, that means we emit a little more light our cells consist of a little more light and less dense matter than before. It is anticipated that by the time we reach 2012, having gone through many years of emotional clearing, our bodies will be ready to move into a new frequency because they will resonate at that frequency. When enough people do this together it creates a new mass consciousness and reality.

We can take our physical bodies with us into the fifth dimension but it is no longer a third dimensional body. The nature of the body has changed into the light. Of course you can manifest any body that you wish in the fifth dimension, but the actual ascension process with the physical body is one that some would like to do. Some would not like the idea of leaving their physical bodies behind. The physical body will become one with the light body. "When the Moon is in the Seventh House, and Jupiter aligns with Marsâ�&brkbar; Then peace shall guide the planets, and love will steer the stars. This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius ...."

1975: Rudhyar designated 1975 as the time when the Avatar of the New Age would appear. He allowed the possibility that it might not be the Second Coming of Christ anticipated by many, but that the Christ energy could be carried by a series of individuals who would be agents for this message.

2010: Peter Lemesurier in The Gospel of the Stars suggests this as an official deadline and entrance into the Age of Aquarius.Based on extensive computer modeling, they think that humanity will experience a Resurrection into the Light during six days in Ad 2012 when, in the last 135 minutes, eighteen barriers, comparable to the appearance of life, the invention of language or the achievement of immortality will be experienced, thirteen of them in the last millisecond.

2012: Jose Arguelles discovered a system of cycles based on the ancient Mayan calendar and determined that the year 2012 would be the end of the 396 year Baktun of the Transformation of Matter, the collapse of global civilization with a following era of information and crystal-solar technology and galactic synchronization.

"The Stages of Ascension" with Almine
by Susan Barber
Copyright 2003
from Spirit of Ma´at < [
link to] >
Drunvalo Melchizedek´s online magazine. 
Used with permission.