Orin and DaBen "On Intuition"
Greetings from Orin and DaBen
We are putting our energy into assisting you in developing your intuition and inner knowingness as an important step for your spiritual growth, becoming your higher self and living as your soul. We wanted to offer you a short message, some written information, and an online guided journey to encourage and assist you in paying attention to your intuition.
What is Intuition?
Intuition is knowing without words, sensing the truth without explanations. It operates beyond time and space and is a link to your higher self. Intuition knows that past, present, and future are simultaneous, and can see the whole of any event. It often speaks to you as the playful child that would lure you away from a harder path to a more joyful one. Your intuition is always leading you toward aliveness and joy, and out of stuck places. Your intuitive mind synthesizes information in a flash, giving you answers to problems and decisions. It shows you the most effective steps to take to achieve your goals and dreams.
Often intuition comes to you as fleeting feelings, thoughts, or sensations that you barely notice until later, when you look back and think, "Yes, I had a feeling to do this, or not to do that." You can make these intuitive feelings more visible, so that you notice them and can act upon them. You can learn to distinguish between the quiet voice of your intuition that is showing you a good choice or direction, versus the often louder voice of your fears and doubts that want to stop you from doing new things and taking risks.
You are already Intuitive
You are already intuitive, and are probably receiving intuitive guidance in many ways. Your body may be speaking to you, giving you hints of the healthy and healing foods it would like to eat. Your emotions may be speaking to you, telling you to follow your heart, take a risk, and do something you love in some area of your life. Your mind may be speaking to you, bringing you intuitive messages and dropping new ideas into your head. Your spiritual intuition may be guiding you to explore new inner places and to try out new spiritual practices.
Why follow your Intuition?
Your intuition guides you to do new things, to be in the flow, to experience more grace and ease, to follow your heart, and guides you to be in the right place at the right time. It is the voice of your soul and higher self communicating with you to show you how to follow your higher path and to live your higher purpose.
Following your intuition leads you to taking good care of yourself, your health, and your emotions, and to having improved relationships with people. It can make your career, creative endeavors, and work life better, more enjoyable, and even effortless. Following your intuition can increase the flow of money and prosperity in your life, for as your internal guide and teacher, it is always showing you what to do to increase the flow of energy. Money is one symbol of energy flow in your life, and as you act upon your intuitive guidance, you can experience more aliveness and flow in all areas.
When you follow your intuition, you have more energy moving through you - you are in the flow, you feel alive! When you don’t follow your intuition, life can become a struggle, like swimming against the tide. You can train your intellect to listen to your intuitive knowingness, and learn not to ignore, discount, or contradict the intuitive feelings you are getting. You can trust your own inner knowingness, and make yourself the authority of what is right for you.
What is your Intuition telling you now?
Think of these areas of your life and ask yourself, "Is there some intuition I have, some feeling of something I need to do, or stop doing?" If there is, let that become more visible to you now, or in the following few days, to show you how to be on a higher path in these areas:
My body, health, and physical well-being
My career, job, and daily activities
My relationships with my family, friends, co-workers, and others
My relationship to money, prosperity, financial independence
Spiritual Growth - what is next for me?
As you review each area, notice if one stands out for you. Ask yourself if there is something you are getting a feeling to do differently, or to change. Have the intention for your inner guidance to become clearer to you, so that you can recognize what it is showing you. The only action you need to take right now, if you are not sure what to do, is to ask that your intuition become stronger and clearer so you can take action on it.
Orin: I am teaching a course on the seven qualities of Divine Will. The Will to Harmonize is the Will that awakens intuition. You can work with this quality of will through the practices I have written.
Practice to Strengthen Intuition
Think of these areas of your life and ask, “Is there some intuition I have, some feeling of something I need to do, or stop doing?” If so, let that become more visible to you now, or later, to show you a higher path in these areas:
• My body, health, and physical well-being
• My career, job, and daily activities
• My relationships with my family, friends, and others• My relationship to money, financial independence
• Spiritual Growth - what is next for me?
As you review each area, notice if one stands out for you. Ask yourself if there is something you are getting a feeling to do differently, or to change. Have the intention for your inner guidance to become clearer to you, so that you can recognize what it is showing you. The only action you need to take right now, if you are not sure what to do, is to ask your Divine Self to reveal to you your next steps in these areas.
"Trusting Your Inner Guidance Meditation"
Greetings from Orin. I am delighted to be here with you in this journey where you will learn to recognize and to trust your inner guidance. You are a wise being, and you have everything you need within you. It is important to trust your inner guidance, for it is from within you that your inner teacher talks to you and gives you messages. It is from within you that you gain the greatest growth.
There is no such thing as a completely correct or completely incorrect answer. There are many choices and many paths. As you begin this journey, let go of the thought that you will have right or wrong guidance. There is only growth and learning. Your inner teacher is working with you to teach you the lessons you need, to give you the growth and the expansion that is next for you. Your inner guidance is always leading you to your evolution, to your growth, and to the highest path for you.
Take a deep breath in. And as you breathe in, imagine that you are opening an area at the top of your head called your crown center. Bringing in light like a channel of light that goes through the top of your head straight upward into the higher dimensions of light where you live as your higher self. Light is coming down through this channel, down through the opening in the top of your head and out into the world on your out breath.
With each breath in you are connecting to your higher self, and with each breath out you are sending that connection into the world around you. Opening with each breath your spiritual center, your crown center, and building that channel upward into the higher dimensions of yourself.
Relax your body and let your breathing become very relaxed, taking you deeper and deeper within. Adjust your posture so that you feel comfortable. Your arms are at your side. You are feeling so relaxed, so peaceful. Notice your breathing shifting ever so slightly, taking you even deeper into a state of peace and relaxation.
Relax your shoulders, your arms, your hands. Let your chest and stomach relax. The muscles around your spine are relaxing. Relaxation comes into your thighs and hips. Your calves, your ankles, and your feet are relaxing. Let your face relax. Let your jaw drop open slightly and the muscles around your eyes grow calm.
You might want to imagine you are looking at a scene in a distance, and then at a scene up close. Let your eyes focus at the distance that is most comfortable, resting your eyes.
Your higher self is joining you in this journey. You might imagine that off in the distance is a great, beautiful light symbolically representing your higher self. This being is approaching you. It is you; a higher dimension of you. It is coming closer and closer. You can feel its light.
Your higher self begins to merge with you. At first your higher self blends with your aura, as if you are coming together at a deep level. Your energy becomes more integrated, balanced, and harmonized in the light of your higher self. All of your being begins to take on a higher vibration, as if you are still you, but you at a higher level, a higher vibration, greater wisdom, more ability to see clearly, more light about you.
There might be a sense of yourself that feels more completely like who you really are deep within as you blend with your higher self. This is the "you" that you know you are deep within, wise and compassionate, complete and whole. Every time you do this blending you allow your higher self's energy to come into the cells of your body, activating the DNA and the light codes within you to bring you to a higher level of light so you can be your higher self in your everyday life.
Your higher self is now activating your third eye, the Ajna center between your eyebrows, sometimes called the sixth chakra. It is the chakra of intuition, of insight, of inner knowingness. Energy is pouring into this area, stimulating your inner vision. You may even want to touch this area with your hand, activating it even more.
Your higher self is lifting any veils that might be standing between you and clear seeing. Let that happen right now, and tell yourself,
"I am willing to see clearly.
I am willing to see the truth.
Let all veils of illusion, let all that is standing in the way of my clear seeing dissolve."
You know what is good for you. You know what you want. You now bring in the quality of courage to believe in yourself, in your path, and in the guidance you are receiving. Imagine that the quality of courage exists as a very real energy pattern, a color, a texture, a light. There is a pure tone of courage out in the universe, the courage to stand up for what you believe in, the courage to speak your truth, the courage to believe in the insights you are receiving.
Imagine that you are building a bridge of light between yourself and the quality of courage. You might imagine that you are weaving fabric of woven light to this quality of courage, drawing it into your heart, into your throat. Drawing it into the crown center at the top of your head. A new level of self-confidence, of trusting your own inner guidance above anyone else's.