Ascension/Ascension Resources·Information

The Year 2009 and Beyond, "The Great Shift"

namaste123 2009. 3. 24. 05:07



2009 will be a year of manifestation,
as you prepare for the Age of Spirit.


The Year 2009 and Beyond

"The Great Shift"


Before going into the core of our message, we would like to
elaborate on two subjects: the weather and going beyond the
American influence in the world.

The first principle we wish to convey regarding weather is
that it is mitigated or affected by collective Human conscious-
ness in a way that is not currently understood by your science.

Your science looks at the physical causation for changes in
weather, and indeed, this is a primary factor, but what is not rec-
ognized at this point in your time line is that you are co-creators
of your multidimensional reality, including your physical
experience of Earth.

So looking down the rime line, let us say that you possess
free will and can change anything that is seen in the future.
What we see are probabilities--but it is only when you arrive
in the present moment that the probabilities collapse and the
reality emerges. So your "choice points" all along the rime line
are important moments of power.

In other words, you can change what we are seeing.

Having said that, we expect to see an increase in volatility of
weather. In some areas there will be extreme drought and in
other areas extreme flooding, as in 2007. There will, most likely,
be an increase of tornadoes in areas of the world that have not
experienced them previously. We expect to see an increase in
the strength of hurricanes and cyclones. There is not an area of
the world that is immune to these weather anomalies.

We have spoken before about the Ring of Fire, and this Ring of
Fire extends energetically from the northeastern areas of Russia;
through Siberia; down through China; into Japan; down into In-
donesia, Australia, New Zealand; up into the west coast of South
America, Central America, and North America; ending off the
coast of Alaska not very far from its origins off the coast of Russia.
This is the primary resonating ring, and from here there are ener-
getic lines that affect other earthquake-prone areas of the world.

There are complex grid relationships between the Ring of Fire
and other fault lines. These include apparently unconnected
lines that run through parts of China, India, Pakistan,
and into Turkey, Greece, and Italy. Your geological science has
not found a direct relationship between these because they are
subtle in nature, but in our way of viewing Earth energies, we
see a direct relationship, not so much through the classical fault
line structures but through harmonic relationships between the
various levels of the Earth, such as its crust, and the lower levels
extending to the mantle. These harmonic relationships are
driven not just by the tectonic plate movements but also by
solar activity. This is an energetic phenomenon, and the sun
is in an increased period of activity that we see continuing for
several years, at least.

We expect, however, to see an increase in earthquake activity
and intensity worldwide. That also includes unexpected Earth
activity on the East Coast of the United States and Canada. But
we would say that these are not necessarily reasons for alarm and
fear. These changes in the Earth are an expression! of her changes,
and, indeed, earthquake activity has existed for millennia. We
include in this volcanoes. There are some who look at projec-
tions of Earth changes in the future as a form of self-torture, to
perpetuate fear,

but if you understand that the phenomenon that we are
talking about is affected by consciousness, it is possible to
ride through an earthquake and an intense weather pattern and
have it be a catalyst for rapid evolution. It is all in how you deal
with the situation, not the situation itself.


One of the probabilities that we spoke to in earlier communica-
tions was a downturn of the U.S. economy. We indicated that
November 2007 would be the most likely last window where
this would take place, and, indeed, it has unfolded as we had seen
it. As we look down the time lines, the probabilities are high
that American influence in the world will decrease over the next
decade. This is due to economic and political reasons, and dur-
ing this time other countries will step forward, but in the short
term, American influence will be very strong in the world, even
as there is a decline in economic power and influence.

What will emerge in the next decade, politically and eco-
nomically, is that those countries that turn their attention and
emphasis on the personal individual, on the true taking care
of the environment and the natural resources--those countries
that are "wise stewards"--will prosper, and those that are not
will experience difficulties.

So, again, we see consciousness affecting outcome.
As we move into the next decade, we expect to see
an increase of spiritual evolution, or at least what might be
called planetary community.

In this new sense of the world that will grow in the Human
family, old ways of politics and economic domination will not
be favored. While the world will not move toward a place of
equality between nations, at least in the hearts and minds of
the planetary community, this will be a clear ideal and one that
many will be working toward.

The preparation we would advise is to recognize that you are
a co-creator of what is happening around you.

You are not passive, although you may feel "acted upon"; even
your passivity is a form of active creation--creation by not taking
responsibility. We would say that in these coming times, it is vital
to recognize your sovereignty as a creator force, to avoid the mind
control and manipulation of those currently in dominant places of
power, to use your own mind to sense out the truth and not trust
what is told to you, for you are surrounded by lies.

You must use the highest levels of your own heart and mind to
ferret out the truth of every situation. You must come to recognize
that your heart and mind--your thinking and your feeling natures--
are powerful forces that when combined together become a creative
dynamo. You are at the threshold, collectively, of a new world.

How difficult the transition of this birth will be depends
largely on you and all your fellow Humans.

Recognize that it is a grand adventure.

Whether you survive a particular period of this transition physically
or not is immaterial from the standpoint of the greater being that you
are a part of; for your current embodiment is like one facet of a diamond,
and how you deal with your life, with the incredible moments of these
times, strengthens you or weakens you. But it is not the situations
themselves that strengthen or weaken you, but how you create
your response to them.

This is your greatest power. And no power on Earth can take that
from you. When you know this, you are invulnerable. And what we mean
by this type of invulnerability is that when you are in this place of personal
power, it is immaterial to you whether you live or die, for you have found
your spiritual center and recognize, with full certainty, that you are a
spiritual being beyond the constraints of time, space, and history.

You are a being of luminous light having a Human experience.


We wish to speak with you about a perilous passage in which
you now find yourselves. Much of what we have said in our
past communications has come true. From what we have
told you just earlier, you will see even more Earth changes,
climatic alterations, geopolitical destabilization, and threats to
the ecosystem. These will unfold in the years to come. But
that is not the perilous passage of which we speak of now.

We are, rather, speaking to your emotional life.

The life of your heart and your spirit, for it is unquestionable that the
unfolding events of the next few years will emotionally strike those
who have sensitive hearts and who dream of a better world.

We would divide our comments into two areas: transcendence
and transformation. When the chaotic phase of re-creation begins--
which is the phase you now find yourselves in--all structures
come into question.

Destinies that have been calculated based on expected outcomes
dissolve. It is a time of immense confusion, and the primal emotions
of fear and hostility arise. There are several forces at work
in this, and we wish to discuss them.

Part of this chaotic phase is the simple result of the shift
from one dimension of consciousness to another. As Earth and
Humanity move from fourth-dimensional consciousness to fifthdimensional
consciousness--which is outside the constraints of time and space as you
collectively perceive them-- there is a tension between the old world
and the new world. You are right in the midst of this.

As more and more people experience paradigm shifts driven
by sudden leaps in spiritual understanding, the old world is undermined.

The new world with its new cultural, political, and economic presuppositions
has not yet blossomed, so you are in a kind of no person's land where
the old views no longer work, but the new views have not yet
come into usable expression!. So this is one reason for the difficultie
you are experiencing in this dimensional shift.

But there is another, more insidious element at play here as well.
There are vested interests that wish the old world of domination
and control to continue, and they are using every means
at their disposal to insure it.

The type of control we speak of is so pervasive and so much
a part of the fabric of your society that it is often overlooked--
which is exactly what those who wish to control you work toward.

There is no one person or group of persons responsible for this type
of control. It comes from many directions and sources. It comes from
sources you might never suspect, including religious, political, and
economic institutions. But the attempts to control you do not
end here. Many of the manipulative elements in your world are also
coming from interdimensional and inter-galactic interference.

But regardless of their source, the days, so to speak, for those
who are trying to control your destiny for their own selfish ends
are numbered. The shift from fourth-dimensional consciousness
to fifth-dimensional consciousness cannot be stopped any more
than the dawn of a new day can be avoided.

The evolution of consciousness on your Earth and of Earth herself
is in the midst of a dynamic shift, and you are a vital part of it.

However, we wish you to understand that the transition from
your current fourth-dimensional reality to the fifth dimension (and higher)
is not going to be an easy one. Due to the inherent chaos that occurs
during a dimensional shift and due to interference with your world from
terrestrial powers, as well as from interdimensional and intergalactic
intelligences, the transition will be much more difficult.

This is not to say that you cannot lessen the negative events in your
future by actions you undertake. But it does mean that a graceful
collective transition to higher dimensions is probably unlikely.

We have always avoided sharing information that is alarmist in nature,
but we also need to be direct and honest in our assessment.

Throughout the recent past has been both an intensification
of the dimensional shift and an increase of planetary manipulation
and control. This parallel event--the shifting upward into the preludes of
fifth-dimensional reality (the foyer of higher planetary consciousness,
to use a metaphor) and worldwide attempts to control and contain
the Human spirit will be paired off in a virtual and real tug of war.
Indeed, this war for the Human spirit has already begun.

There is not much that one single person can do to mitigate
Humanity's collective destiny. But by stepping out of the collective
mind control and manipulation that is hypnotizing the world at large,

you have the possibility of affecting your own destiny in distinct ways.

In order for you to do this, you must find a way to transcend your own limitations,
and by this we mean the limitations of your thinking, which have been imposed
by your institutions, your governments, and your religions.

You musr find ways to transcend the messages of fear and terror projected
into Human consciousness by the events that are unfolding before you and by
the manipulators of these events who are unseen. If you are to survive this period,

you must transcend what is happening, or seeming to happen, around you.
You must find your own spiritual center.

There are no magic ways to do this. Each of you has several pathways
that will lead you to the still-point of your own consciousness, to the realization
of your own divinity; and from that place, you can more easily detach
yourself from the events that unfold around you. You will have learned
to transcend the world. One of your great spiritual teachers once said,

"Be in the world, but not of the world."

This is very good advice in the coming times that are now upon you.

But it is not enough to simply detach yourself and transcend the world.

You must also transform the world, and we speak not here of the greater
world, for that is beyond your ability to affect. We mean the world right around
you, your local community of friends, loved ones, and the Earth that is
actually beneath your feet.

This is the world that we speak of, and this is the world you
must transform even as the greater world seems to deteriorate
and fall apart all around you. This shall take a great degree of
spiritual mastery. We are not saying that it is or will be easy,
but we are saying it is absolutely imperative that you transcend
and transform your world, both together--simultaneously--
in order to pass through the eye of the needle.

And so when you find yourself disheartened at the state
of the world, our advice to you is to transcend this selfindulgence,
to transcend the manipulation and sense of isolation that is being
projected on you, to transcend the group mind form. This is tricky
business because you must find your own path into the joy of
your heart, even in the midst of suffering that may be around you.
There will be times in the coming years when spiritually sensitive
individuals will feel the desire to give up.

This is the time to reinspire yourself, and how you do
this is up to you, but we do have a few suggestions.

Turn your attention away from yourself and your own problems
to the world around you, to the Earth underneath your feet,
to your local community, to your friends, to the strangers who
live around you, to your loved ones.

Discover what you can do to make that world in which you live
a better place. These things are very simple, actually.

It could be a smile, a comforting word, offering a space for a car
making a turn in front of you; it could be offering food to someone
who is hungry; it could be turning off your television mind control
device and playing with your children or your pets.

It could be planting a tree. The list of opportunities to affect the world
that is right around you is endless, and then you will find yourself
reconnecting to your local community, even as the forces that
would manipulate the world try to destroy it.

Do understand that there is power in simplicity, which is
why our messages usually deal with simple basics.

As always, we suggest you cultivate the Holon of Balance as a highly
effective way to deal with energetic instabilities as they arise We also
encourage you to live consciously in appreciation or gratitude, for the
subtle harmonics created by these emotional states will act as protectors
for you and lift you up even if the world takes a downward spiral.

Seize the moments of your life, even if your culture and your economies
go through difficult times. Find the space within your self to detach
and transcend what appears to be happening around you. Then you
will, perhaps, have a most interesting experience. You will see the
cosmic joke, and the entire affair on your planet will appear to you
as both an interesting and amusing transition
into higher consciousness.

This sense of amusement is, however, only seen, of course,
from the vantage point of fifth-dimensional consciousness and
higher. It is not always easy to see the innate humor of situations
as they arise in a dualistic universe--especially when
you are locked into it.

This is why we encourage you to transcend your world--the world
as you believe it to be--and to enter into a higher octave of awareness.

A new universe brimming with possibilities awaits you.
